Well, this didn't address global warming, per se. Just a general 'man is hurting the environment' theme, and they mixed in a healthy dose of the celebrate diversity themes, too. Don't get me wrong; I have no problem with either of those initiatives. I just didn't like the fact that the makers of this movie shoved them down my throat without warning. Again, shame on me for not reading up on the movie before I went to it. It was like I plunked down the money for the tickets and as soon as the lights went down it was like, "OK folks, class is in session."
Well, I'd like to know before I pay to go in there that there's going to be a message. I just thought this would be the amusing stylings of a dancing penguin. It's the subterfuge I didn't like. Just give me a little advance notice for my browbeatings, thank you.
Can we all agree not to use the phrase "crammed down my/our throats" for at least a year? I'd like us all to agree that Neil Cavuto is a dunce, too, but I'm flexible on that one.
I'll stop using "crammed down my throat" when you stop starting political threads, Fenian, how about that?
I would like to make a suggestion that we call a holiday truce in this matter and use "shoved down your piehole" instead. Much more evocative of the season.
I would like to adjust this for clarifications sake: "Shoved up your piehole" should be used by Boots.
novelist, I appreciate what you're saying, but Snow White had an agenda. The Wizard of Oz had an agenda. Bambi had an agenda. Cars had an agenda. Over The Hedge had an agenda.