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Depression, Part II

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hockeybeat, Jan 24, 2007.

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  1. jimnorden

    jimnorden Member

    Phila ...

    here's an interview with mike wallace where he gets into his battle with depression.


    best of luck ...
  2. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    I've been depressed as fuck for about three weeks. These periods are recurrent, but semi-brief. They usually last 2-6 weeks, then I feel normal for 2-4 months. I can't imgaine what it must be like to have depression as a constant.
  3. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    Count your blessings. Best thing you could do is if you see someone that's constantly in the dumps, go over to him/her and try to strike up a nice conversation. Don't ask if everything's OK, because when it comes to that, I've always lied like a dog to that question.
  4. Johnsonville

    Johnsonville Member

    My step dad told me a great anecdote about therapy.

    He was asked to write down a list ranking all the important things in his life. He had the usual: work, children, wife, travel, reading, etc. (not in that order)

    The therapist then asked why he didn't list himself. The therapist went on to explain that you should always be No. 1 on your list.

    That does not mean be selfish and always put yourself of others. It means you take care of yourself and love yourself so you can love others. You cannot truly love others without loving yourself.

    It has been a hard concept for me to get a grasp on with two children and wife I am completely devoted to. But I have recognized that by putting off the things I wanted in this world, it would be to the detriment of all those around me because I would be an unhappy person.

    It took a bout with minor depression to realize what was really important in my life and that I had to put my energy toward it. Work became a means to support my family. It did not define me. Frankly, I would be happy to work in McDonalds if it meant I had enough financial means to have a comfortable lifestyle and could count on the love and health of my wife and family.

    I also have found great satisfaction in accomplishing things that I always wanted to do, but was either scared or too lazy to achieve. It may mean planning a family trip or setting a training goal of a marathon or whatever.

    Hope this helps.
  5. Wile E. Coyote

    Wile E. Coyote New Member

    I'm a regular here, but obviously under a different name. Over the last three months, I've REALLY been struggling with ADD, especially at work. Production is down and I feel the bosses are getting agitated. They know about what I have and to their credit, they've been understanding. But there's only so much they can take. I just switched meds from a combo of Provigil and Risperdal to Vyvance and I feel a difference already. My concern is is it too late for me at work?

    I'm young and I like to think that I'm talented. I have a girlfriend that is probably going to be my future wife, so I want to provide for her. And I certainly don't want to live in the shadow of unfulfilled promise. Any tips from anyone here?
  6. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    I was on a pretty good high for about a month.

    Started a new job in a better part of the state. The people like me, my coworkers like me, and I like them. Have a great boss. I really like being there.

    Everything was going great. I drove back "home" and prepared to move the rest of my stuff across the state.

    Then I get a call last night from the ME telling me that basically, the new owner of the paper cut my salary by nearly $5g a year.

    Since then I've fallen back into that fucking depression. I'm trying hard to fight it. I mean, I still have a job. It's still better than being unemployed. I still like the people and they like me.

    So why do I feel like I've just taken a shot in the nards?
  7. Italian_Stallion

    Italian_Stallion Active Member

    Well, you did take a shot in the nards. But don't let it affect you anymore than it affects your bank account. Draw a line. The pay cut has nothing to do with you. It's just numbers.
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I find it almost as therapeutic as waterboarding someone!
  9. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Yeah, but when you waterboard someone, you're wasting a valuable natural resource. Unless you use the same water over and over again.
  10. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Um, paint doesn't grow on trees, you know.
  11. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I know. The thought of Boom with a gun--even a paint ball gun--frightens me.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Pshah. Guns don't kill people. Boom kills people.
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