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Depression, Part II

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hockeybeat, Jan 24, 2007.

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  1. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    How is a hard discussion of the state of the business "stirring the shit"? How is telling of friends who have found great happiness in other jobs "stirring the shit"?

    There are many true tales of people leaving the business who find a better quality of life and better salary. There are many people in the business who are very happy. One of the reasons it takes so many of us so long to pull the trigger on finding something better is that this is what we love, and this is what we know; look at Stallion's post. He asks, what kind of jobs are out there for a career journalist?

    These are scary times, and they will not get better. Oh, some on this board (and in conversations in the real world) hear these things and think "Wow, that really sucks. Now to continue on my previously chosen career path, which includes moving to a new paper every few years until I find the one that suits me best in an area I love." And some people - perhaps you included, shotglass - have found that great situation that suits them, and can assume their ownership will allow them to retire gracefully someday.

    That unfortunately is no longer the norm. And on a thread about things that cause depression, discussion of that fits right in. Because it's absolutely heartbreaking, all these things that are going on in the world outside your door.

    Be happy, shotglass. But keep those eyes open.
  2. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Thank you...

    Not trying to stir anything. Just pointing out the sad reality that is this business these days and letting people know that some have found happiness outside of it...

    If you want to brave it out and try to make it in a dying medium (Nelson's words) that's on you...
  3. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Keep those uplifting thoughts coming here on the depression thread, boys. You're doing everyone a major service.
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    it should be more than obvious by now that he cares about nothing other than himself.

    just sayin'.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I take offense to that considering the number of people who have asked my advice or asked me to read their copy during the time I've been on this site. I'm sure the same thing has happened to 21, Double Down, Moddy and a bunch of others here.. If you don't like me, fine... But to say I care about nobody other than myself is complete and total fucking bullshit...
  6. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    It's excruciatingly obvious (to me, anyway, and I'm sure plenty of others) that Mizzou's comments were directed specifically at hockeybeat, who asked for advice, and who by his own admission has been unhappy and depressed about his professional situation since we arrived here more than five years ago.

    Who cares more, someone who keeps blowing sunshine up his ass and telling him to hang in there, or someone who suggests maybe he should try something new, break the cycle, and find some happiness?
  7. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Agreed. I don't agree with all Mizzou's viewpoints - he is a Republican after all - but I've never thought of Mizzou as a me only type. I think he was sincere with his advice to HB, which does seem solid. HB has been open about his struggles and maybe a change-up is in order.
  8. Grimace

    Grimace Guest

    Blowing sunshine up his ass? That's a bit harsh.
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    one man's reality is another man's total fucking bullshit.
  10. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    And frankly, I didn't ever tell him to keep looking. Thus, no sunshine up his ass.

    I just don't want these two telling everybody that the business is going to hell. They don't have the background or experience to speak for ALL of us.

    I hear no reports of YOU running out of shoe money.
  11. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Late to this thread, so I do not know if this has been mentioned or not.

    HB, go down to your local elementary school and volunteer to be a tutor for a few hours a week.

    You can help students in writing, art or whatever you want. Or you could volunteer to be a big buddy for a teacher. Second grade would be my choice, but anything under third would work wonders.

    Kids that age give a lot of love and positive feedback to the smallest effort shown their way.

    Look into it, and you just might find a lot more than you expect.
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Shoe money. Of course. Why else do women work.

    This wasn't about the rise and fall of the industry. It was about one guy saying he was miserable and wanted to disappear. Again. And again. Mizzou's comments were dead on....if it's not working for you after all this time, maybe try something else, especially in a business that isn't massively hiring and expanding. Seems like common sense. You get one life. How many years can you invest in being miserable, when things aren't working out?

    Depression is a real thing, with serious consequences. When a guy is repeatedly posting on a message board about his serious misery and hopelessness, it seems kinder to suggest alternative career/life paths than to repeatedly offer platitudes and empty hopes.
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