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Depression, Part II

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by hockeybeat, Jan 24, 2007.

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  1. Fuck that shit. I disagree.

    (In my opinion - I'm not a professional mental health expert) Depression is depression. Whether you're driving a bus or covering the Yankees or covering community sports at a 10K. If HB is suffering from serious, clinical depression, changing careers might be a short term boost but it won't fix the root problems.

    Now, if his professional struggles are what's causing those problems -- and you can say that with 100 percent accuratcy -- then that's one thing. What if you change jobs/careers and you're still unhappy? Then what?

    A change in scenery isn't some magic happy pill.

    PS -- I know how shitty it is to talk about someone like they're not in the room (which I guess technically he's not), so apologies HB.
  2. Kind of depressing, isn't it?
  3. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Good point, Fudgie. That's why I'll let boom take his shots unanswered now.

    And f_t, friend ... don't wring your hands too much. Nobody here was a professional psychiatrist, and nobody here was really helping the situation.
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    We're soulmaits.
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I'll phile that away.
  6. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    I agree wholeheartedly with Fudgie.

    If the depression is solely work-related, then perhaps a change of careers is in order. But without knowing HB particularly well, there's no way we can say that with certainty. If that's the root cause of the problem, I just want him to be happy, whether that means staying in the profession or getting another job.

    As for his writing, HB definitely deserves a regular sports writing gig somewhere. I have his freelance writing site on my favorites at home. I'd hire him if I could.
  7. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I would ask that the sniping cease. That's not the objective of this thread.

    My plea aside...

    I love the business. I believe we chronicle history. And at our best, we shone light on the human condition and have the power to make change.
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    The press room food ain't too bad either.
  9. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    I was talking with another SJ member and we came to a common consensus that this thread brings about a downward spiral.

    It's a never-ending cycle of depression going on in here. Someone comes in, posts about what they are depressed about, and then leaves, thinking they are better. But they know they are going to come back into the thread when it gets bumped up to the top of the page and re-read what they wrote at an earlier date. They will think back to the depressed times and then fall back into the "depression."

    It's a perpetual loop of feeling sorry for oneself once they read this thread. If it helps some people, then I am wrong and this is the greatest thread to humanity.

    Plus, if this business is what's making you feel down, then yes, maybe it's time to look for a career change, or maybe at the least, a change of pace.

    Maybe it's also time to move out of the area where you are (if you are single and not tied down) and try to branch out from your shell, family, etc. If you are married, find solace in your spouse and children and know you can make an impact in their lives.

    Maybe it's time to join a club and get out of the house and off SportsJournalists.com. Take a walk in the park and play chess against an old man. Take a walk into the city (if you live in one) and look at all the homeless people wandering the streets, wondering when they'll be able to eat next and then maybe you'll realize, 'Hey, I don't have it that bad.'

    My parents told me something a while ago when I struggled in high school and college: when you break it down, the common denominator is usually yourself.

    I applaud those who have conquered "depression" and are living happy, healthy lives. I am glad you didn't take the other route. Just think about it - you're alive. Take a breath, let it fill your lungs and exhale. It's the greatest gift. Feel good about it.
  10. No offense, and apologies to HB for not being civil, but that's a big platter of shit right there. If you really think it's that easy, then you're fucking clueless.

    Oh, and the "feeling sorry for yourself" line really makes me want to pull my hair out.

    It's clear you've never suffered from depression, and you should thank God every day for that. The point I was trying to make was that a change in scenery -- or a walk in the park checking out homeless people ::) -- isn't going to solve anything. It's a medical, chemical problem.
  11. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    There's some truth to what you say, Fudgie ... but there's some truth to this, too. Possibly more.

    Bottom line: Nobody here has the ability to quantify how much is chemical and how much of it is learned human performance.
  12. Take a walk in the park and play chess with an old man. Yeah. Bravo. That's the only thing keeping people suffering from depression from happiness. Unfuckingbelievably clueless.
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