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Dirty New Mexico soccer

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by micropolitan guy, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    1. Suspended for the rest of this season.

    2. Suspended the first half of next season.

    3. When (if) she returns, it is with the directive to the league's officiating staff that if she commits ANY foul, she is to be IMMEDIATELY ejected from the game. No warnings, no yellow cards, no nothing. Bang, zoom, out. This provision remains in effect the rest of her college career.

    Play clean, or hit the bricks.

    P.S., the referee should be suspended too. What the hell are you doing out there?
  2. standman

    standman Member

    Doesn't Vince McMahon call this young lady right now and sign her to a contract. She'll make more money throwing wrestlers around than she ever will playing soccer.
  3. Clerk Typist

    Clerk Typist Guest

    Saw a highlight package (probably the one YouTube has) on a St. Louis TV station Saturday morning. After the clips, one anchor said to the other, "I didn't know Tonya Harding played soccer." About sums it up.
  4. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Wow. That was a good quote.
  5. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    When (if) she returns, it is with the directive to the league's officiating staff that if she commits ANY foul, she is to be IMMEDIATELY ejected from the game. No warnings, no yellow cards, no nothing. Bang, zoom, out. This provision remains in effect the rest of her college career.

    Complete silliness. That's not how the game works, you don't set up separate game rules for different players for the field of play.

    When her suspension is over, she is subject to the same rules as every other player. Subject to competent refereeing, of course, of which there wasn't any in that game.
  6. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she exaggerated having her ponytail forcibly used as a handle.
  7. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Has anyone in this thread wondered why the coach didn't pull this girl off of the field?
  8. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Yeah, I've wondered why the coach has escaped scrutiny. The AD should be going back through this team's game films to see if this type of behavior has been occurring all year (it almost certainly has) and then asking the coach some pretty tough questions about why. You know she didn't just start being this dirty for that one game, and you know the coach is the person best in a position to be aware of this behavior and correct it -- unless that's exactly how the coach wanted her to play.
  9. OnTheRiver

    OnTheRiver Active Member

    Pulling her hometown and high school off the roster list, but yet leaving her name, is a chicken shit move by the UNM program.

    You recruited her. Own up to it.
  10. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Speaking on behalf of someone who knows the family and whose daughter played AYSO and Club with her, this is long-established behavior from Ms. Lambert.
  11. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    So both the refs and the coach should have been looking for something like this, right?

    The fail runs deep in this event young Jedi.
  12. wannabeu

    wannabeu Member

    There's a lot of blame to go around for what happened. Once the player knows they can get away with things, they will continue to do it. The refs aided in the dirty plays because they did not put a stop to it. The coach should know how each of her players play, so I have to believe that the coach knew some of what Lambert is capable of doing to the opposing team.
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