Twoback, I think if you'll retrace the thread you'll notice that what actually set people off on Katz here was not the fact that he lost the story to Goodman. It was the fact ESPN News repeatedly asserted falsely afterward that Katz was the one who "broke" the story; and that there is a history of this with several prior incidents where Katz has falsely taken or been given credit for a story.
That is utterly magnificent, Meat, even if I'm one of four people who got it. Googoobarabajagal, by the way.
Katz? Are you serious? Do you seriously believe ESPN has never done this with any of their other reporters? It's like a running joke. So what is he supposed to do when their producers/anchors make these claims or they're written into the crawl? Call and remind them he got beaten on the story?
Hey Twoback... What can Katz do? I have some ideas: --Stop sucking up to assistant coaches across the country then writing whatever they say, fact or fiction. --Stop claiming has learned, when he learned it from FoxSports. --Start using more than one source per story. --Stop sending local beat writers hate mail when they prove him wrong and say so. --Start breaking some news instead of pretending to.
How many college coaches have made the successful jump to the pros after a lengthy stay in the college game? I would venture to say Larry Brown is one of the only ones, but he left two franchises in shambles after he left. I believe that's why Coach K is staying at Duke.
Honestly, ever single story. If you want me to list them, I guess I could. It would just take too long and I'm trying to work. He's also the only one who does not cite other sources when they beat him. Look at Goodman's story today. Perfect example. He gives credit where it's due. Katz is in the land of make believe.
I heard that his change of heart came during a Friday night karaoke rendezvous. Apparently, a certain Clash song just sent him into hysterics. He was stammering incoherently by the time he heard "one day is fine, the next is black." By the time he got to "If I go there will be trouble," he was crying like a little boy, or one of the Pistons. You get to pick your simile here.