Sure, he'll be welcomed back. But there will be some residual mess from this that will be very difficult to shake. Does Billy's "intrigue" with the NBA just go away? Not in the minds of people who will be recruiting against him.
I just won't believe this until I see someone cite a source. Should we expect that within the next hour? It's getting a little late in the day at this point.
Orlando Sentinel has now picked up the foxsports scoop,0,5225925.story?coll=orl-home-headlines
And spinning has a point - it is the ONLY thing that explains that quick plane trip. Why the hell do you fly there and not see the guy? You can call him from Gainesville.
I see that the Sentinel quoted a kid from Lake Howell who was on his way to VCU. Two other Lake Howell kids were set to play for Donovan in the fall. So I'll bet their phones were ringing tonight. It'll be interesting to see what prompted this. It will take some explaining to convince folks that he wasn't just using the Magic as a bargaining chip to up the ante in Gatorland.
Un...fucking...believeable. Rash decision my ass. If you are not sure about taking a job, conventional wisdom says don't take it. He signed that contract, and if I'm Pat Williams, I wouldn't let him out of that contract. I'll sue his ass if he tries to waffle out of this. What is up with college coaches waffling between jobs? Altman knew that he didn't want to leave Creighton, but took, what is to me, a 10-day window look at Arkansas and he bolted back to Omaha in 24 hours. Andy Katz, nice try buddy, but Goodman scooped you fair and square.
In fairness to Katz, he might have the same story. It's possible that he was working toward conformation but decided to report what he had when Goodman beat him to the punch.