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Doyel-Conlin feud?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by lantaur, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    doyel's bio is a joke. i'm sure it's hard to see that from a high horse, but it is...

    don't know conlin, but do know doyel. like the guy quite a bit and enjoy his writing -- especially the mailbag... plenty of people write and rip doyel and he rips back. why should conlin be any different? just because of his job?
  2. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Yikes! I'm with Casty, Michael and 21. Neither one of them comes out looking particularly good.

    What's interesting to me is that Doyel's style doesn't AT ALL match the staid network TV side of CBS-- a la Jim Nantz. I wonder what the proper Mr. Nantz is thinking when he has to promo this guy on-air.

    CBS might need some good libel lawyers in its stable because as loose as this guy plays it, one day there's probably gonna be a misstep.
  3. spinning27

    spinning27 New Member


    Doyel has been doing that mailbag for a long, long time. (It's hilarious, BTW.) And if you write in, you're fair game.

    The bottom line is, there have been plenty of times in my career where a national guy or an out-of-town columnist weighed in on my beat and got the story wrong or misrepresented certain elements of the story. But have I ever fired off an e-mail missive like that? No. You've got to show some restraint there. In that situation, I have in the past mentioned it to the writer (very tactfully), the next time I've seen him/her in person. And you approach it this way: "Hey, I read your story on XXXX. I can understand where you were coming from, but one thing you may not have known about is XXXXXX."

    That's sure as hell more professional than crybaby Conlin blasting Doyel in an e-mail, taking an unnecessary shot at the Charlotte Observer and generally grandstanding because he used to be on the Sports Reporters.
  4. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Doyel's bio should have Doyel's byline on it. l'm certain that he wrote it, word for word. It perfectly fits his snippy, smart-ass style. (Gregg, chime in and confirm or deny if you like.)
    Doyel is where the biz of Internet journalism (oxymoron) is headed. It's about the 'tude, not about the reporting. Doyel has as many qualifications to being a national columninst for a major website as Bush has for being POTUS. Doyel needs to go to prep school and grow up.
  5. spinning27

    spinning27 New Member

    Are you kidding? Doyel has been in the business for a long time, did great work in big-boy jobs at the Miami Herald and Charlotte Observer. I'd hire him as a columnist any day.

    He definitely has developed a schtick at CBS, but it works for him. Is it any different, really, than the schtick that other big-time columnists developed? Woody Paige, Skip Bayless, Mike Lupica, etc., etc., etc.
  6. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Expanding on my earlier point as I think about this....

    Let's say Doyel does a rip-job on a high-profile college basketball coach. He's usually good for at least a couple of those a year.

    Then CBS has to televise that team's game.

    Typically, the broadcast crew meets with the coaches and attends practice. Can you imagine the tap dancing Nantz and Packer are having to do after a Doyel rip-job? How I'd love to hear some of those conversations. "Look, Coach. We have NOTHING to do with the website, okay?" ;D

    And while it's safe to say Doyel won't be let anywhere near Augusta, I wonder if CBS feels he could compromise their multi-million dollar rightsfee investments.

    Sure, Doyel draws a few hits on the internet.... but it's nothing compared to the eyeballs and ad money associated with the telecasts.

    Oh, what a perilous web they're weaving over at CBS. ;D
  7. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    why is it safe to say he won't be let anywhere near augusta?

    he's their national columnist, would make sense

    and how is that different than when i, as a beat writer, get my ass chewed out by a coach from what my columnist wrote? oh yeah, cbs is paying them a shitload, so that coach just has to take it.
  8. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    No, Augusta calls the shots. And the NFL calls the shots. The NCAA? Sure, probably less so.

    Does the name Gary McCord ring a bell? He was taken off Masters telecasts for calling the gallery a 'mob.' ;D Ever notice how the gallery is called 'the patrons' on Masters telecasts? That's a direct order from Augusta National.

    All the other networks have wanted the Masters for years... and have been willing to pay almost any amount of money to get it. CBS does some major, major hoop-jumping to keep it.
  9. Lugnuts, no one is going to hold Jim Nantz responsible for what Greg Doyel wrote. CBS's web site just doesn't carry that kind of clout.

    Now, Doyel's response to Conlin fits the personality of Doyel's column. There's nothing irresponsible about it.
    I also have no problem with Conlin firing off an email to Doyel. I like Rick Telander and his work. I once wrote Telander a mean-spirited email about a column he wrote about Derrick Thomas. It happens. It's not a big deal.

    I disagree with Conlin's line of thinking about Howard and steroids. I don't believe Howard used. But all of these people who think you can eyeball a person and tell whether they used steroids are not are absolutely stupid. Steroid-users come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

    One love, y'all.
  10. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    Doyel has a lot of sense. He has enough sense to know us (the media) would react to this exchange of "wits and powers." All of you (us) have done exactly what Gregg aims for - to stir the pot.
  11. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    I've written or called some reporters over the years when I feel they've gotten something dead wrong, especially media reporters writing about my former employers. In fact, I wrote to one a couple weeks ago after he ripped my old boss, and his response was more over-the-top than Doyel's was to Conlin. But when I do so, I write that this letter is NOT FOR PUBLICATION. It's a heads-up -- if my purpose was to make the writer look bad, I wouldn't write to them, I'd write to their boss detailing the inaccuracies.
  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    See also: ^^^^^Three posts up^^^^^

    Beyond this board, it's doubtful anyone gives a crap about Doyel and Conlin comparing dubious manhood.

    Damn, two posts today, two johnson references. :-\
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