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End of Saban/Herald/Radio story

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SF_Express, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    so this is now wholly off topic at this point, but i, too, stumbled across OA's on-air apology saturday morning while i was driving and it seemed heartfelt and legitimate.
  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    OK, a couple of notes.

    DD, the reason I didn't get into the whole Jemele business is I didn't post on that thread except once to say I was happy for her opportunity and wished people would just wish her well and stop bitching about yes, one of our own, getting a great career chance. Once it descended from there, I just stayed out. Perhaps my bad, but I didn't really feel part of that thread to ask that it be locked or not locked or whatever.

    As far as both Jeff and the Big O are concerned, I've never met, nor do I know, either of them. My involvement on starting this back up again was the fact that, coincidentally, I happened to catch at least the immediate fallout of O's apology on my way to golf Saturday morning, and it seemed like he was genuinely sorry, and I thought people should know.

    I think what I will do is stay out of the whole what's appropriate/what's not debate from here on. Not my place, particularly if one of my few requests in that regard is now considered inappropriate by others.
  3. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    I DO know a lot of the people involved, personally.
    It is one reason why this is my first post on either thread. If we want to discuss until are fingers are numb, fine. But knocking down people for the sport is not the purpose of this board. I'm all for having a good time. But, that hasn't been the case here or on the other thread.
    I think the genesis of both threads was worthwhile. But, it dissolved from there.
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Knocking Jeff was unfortunate, but this is a worthwhile discussion for the learning experience.

    Obviously lots of disagreements over what is on the record or not.

    Lots of disagreement over what can be shared with buddies after a few beers.

    Jeff will be fine.

    Lots of folks have done a lot worse and I doubt anyone in South Florida is going to be too upset that traitor Nick Saban got burned.
  5. all i want is for mizzougrad96, who i mostly enjoy, to apologize for his ridiculous attack on jemele, and then i'm done with this.
  6. blondebomber

    blondebomber Member

    Sorry, but I stopped trying to prove anything long ago. I'm just giving Ethan's lame attempts to be the enforcer an old fashioned stiff arm.
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Good column this morning, J_W. Enjoyed it ... used it.
  8. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    Wouldn't be the first time blondebomber killed a thread. Only the others were usually ones he started.
  9. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Because you didn't just defend Jeff (as Jemele did) you ripped people for ripping "one of our own." Doyel did the same.

    So the problems were:

    1. Why is it OK for you to rip writers on one thread and blasphemy for other folks to do so?

    2. Why is Jemele not "one of our own" and worthy of the same chivalry?
  10. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I guess the easiest way to take care of this is not to rip other writers on this message board.

    Which I'm going to try not to do from this point forward.

    But where is the line drawn, and how can it not be murky? What's fair debate over a story, and what's personal attacks? Better put, is one person's "fair debate" another person's "personal attack"?

    You know Whitlock doesn't care much for me; we've had our disagreements. But I will say one thing about the man. He comes on here, takes the best we all have, and doesn't get little-girl pissy about it. I respect him for it.
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    The other option: rip everyone.

    You all fucking suck.
  12. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I don't rip writers over their personality and private lives and such. But I will take issue with their job-related actions and what they have written.

    Hell, we hold people accountable every day. Seems we should be able to take it, too.
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