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End of Saban/Herald/Radio story

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SF_Express, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    You are not helping your cause now.
  2. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    I consider it a personal attack when someone starts a thread to mock someone's work, when all the writer did was file one of about 500 stories he'll write in a year. When it's the same poster bashing the same writer over and over, it's just wrong.

    I feel bad for Darlington, but he became a story, and there is the distinction. His own newspaper had to write a story about him. He became news. We should be able to discuss it; it would be weird if we didn't. I don't begrudge people like Jemele Hill and Doyel their Internet fortunes, I just hope they never become editors because if they don't think the Darlington thing is worthy of discussion here, their news sense is a bit suspect.
  3. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    I don't know, I went straight from kindergarten to college.

    But I can see you're still playing dodgeball. Have fun.
  4. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    On the Ocho!
  5. blondebomber

    blondebomber Member

    Damn, ese!
  6. sheos

    sheos Member

    i didn't know who this is mizzou guy is, and i find it silly to even refer to specific people on these message boards, but after reading this entire thread i think mizzou and jemele hill need to just get it over with and hook up - like now, tonight. there's obviously some repressed passion there, and i'd throw $10 on a credit card to watch over the net.
  7. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

  8. RE: The only problem I have with that apology, though, is it was only made where his station broadcasts. If he would have commented to the newspaper, then it would have been picked up and more people would know about it.
    But at least he apologized and seemed sincere. It takes a man to admit he's wrong.

    It takes a man to pee standing up. I've rarely met a man who admits he's wrong.
  9. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

  10. Montezuma's Revenge

    Montezuma's Revenge Active Member

    Wow, now that's a picture that could make a guy feel ... really conflicted.
  11. Blitz

    Blitz Active Member

    That's what I thought originally and still kinda think.
    But reading some of the posts from various newspaper types on the two Saban threads, I think too much of the onus is being placed on the backs of Darlington and the radio guy.
    Nick said what he said rather flippantly, and needs to be be documented as having said what he said.
    He's no racist in my book, but he throws that verbage around rather carelessly and lets credit him with doing so.
    "Coon-ass" doesn't roll off the tongue with near the vitriol as so many other similarly-categorized terms.
    But, while blacks will hang out together and refer to each other as "you my N-word" or "that's my N-word" ... you don't probably hear too many Cajuns hanging out saying "that's my coon-ass" to one another.
    It's a sticky wicket, but Nick's probably not a racist.
    The story is way overblown, to tell the truth.
  12. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    I listened to Paul Finebaum's archived interview with the spokesman for CODOFIL, and although I don't agree with the man's crusade, Finebaum proved once again he's a despicable human being -- worthy of being called a name far worse than anything Saban uttered -- for the disrespectful way he badgered, shouted down and ridiculed his guest.

    You're a small man, Paul.
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