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Excellent story on Darren Wilson

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Alma, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. ArthurS

    ArthurS New Member

    Alma's assertions have done nothing but distracted the thread from what could be an intelligent conversation. Instead of moving forward in a dialogue about the very real problems we face in policing a heavily-armed country, we're countering a steady volley of unicorn farts and singing daisies. I had hoped for something more intelligent that CopBlock arguments and statistics games. And that's a shame, because kids are getting killed, all cops are getting crucified instead of just those who deserve it, and the press plays a big role in the process.

    But I'm a dick, so what do I know.

    I'm out of here.
  2. Donny in his element

    Donny in his element Well-Known Member

    Hey, some of our favorite posters are Dicks!
    Baron Scicluna likes this.
  3. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    "Member since Tuesday"
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    But that would entail, you know, having to spend money.
  5. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    It's a criticism we have absolutely no problem making of any other governmental regulatory agency that appears to be overstepping its bounds.

    We have dead people from cops - not some IRS lackey putting you through the hassle of an audit, but a cop, killing a guy over who knows what in Cincinnati - and, somehow, it's a bridge too far, to consider any other approach to a problem than the action movie approach, internecine war between cops and drug dealers/users. We'll field calls to dismantle the department of education, to do away with the IRS, junk Social Security, but a cop without his or her handheld killing device? Can't even entertain it. Social workers go into these communities daily, take kids away, report drug offenders, all kinds of stuff, but are not, by any notable measurement, killed by anyone. But a traffic cop at a speed trap - which is often little more than a fundraiser for city coffers - must tote that gun because, well, who knows how it might go?

    I think it's more a form of conditioning than anything else.

    What I think - confidently - is whole chunks of America see the police as the enemy. An active, oppressive, ruin-your-life enemy. Whites read science fiction books about such worlds, we'll gravely warn that we're reaching that dangerous point of tyranny, when an entire American underclass, mostly black, already feels precisely that way, an active "they'll fuck with us just because they can and find an excuse to kill us if we them off" mindset.
    Donny in his element likes this.
  6. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    I think it's a real shame all cops are getting crucified.

    The nation is heavily armed in part because we are love with guns, especially in love with our authority having guns.
  7. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

    Those FDA food inspectors really do run up on some dangerous shit from time to time. Never know when a side of beef might be packing heat.
  8. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    This cop didn't have to wait long to use his gun to shoot and kill and college football player.

  9. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Geez, you just can't drive an SUV through a car dealership window at 1 a.m. in Texas anymore.
  10. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    For good?
  11. doctorquant

    doctorquant Well-Known Member

  12. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    He should have been good enough to go to Florida State. Then the police work for him.
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