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Experience vs. college degree

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SEeditor, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    A: that was one of the stupidest things i've ever read in all my life.
    B: i've talked to the guy who empty's the garbage at my work, and he doesn't have a degree. does yours?
  2. Shit, Tom, I'd say most of the people on this board have college degrees. That should speak for itself. :D

    PS. Read your fucking PMs.
  3. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    if i were old what's his name, you know, the 'roid guy, i'd say LOL right now.

    i seriously let loose with a chunk of a mrs. petty carne asada taco right in the middle of my screen.
  4. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Yes. But IQ scores measure intelligence, not knowledge. I think I've already described the difference in the two.

    And Pallister...please don't take anything personally. Nobody thinks your brothers are idiots. They might not be as educated as the next guy, but the thing to remember is that education is not the only factor. That's why so many people make it in this business.

    As for the comment someone makes about reporters making $15,000, I think people pay so little BECAUSE there are many without college degrees who can do the work. Yet it's a profession, just like so many others that pay far better wages.
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i never took you for a snob heineken, but i guess i was wrong. i hope you can make sweet, sweet love to your degree, because that's obviously what means most to you in the world.

    i think frank already laid it out, but you refused to absorb a word he wrote, i guess that says something about your knowledge as well.
  6. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Which might be true ... if you assume that newspaper management is competent enough to set their wage scales by the logic that "no college degree" = "less skilled," therefore because "some successful workers have no college degree" = "the work must not be skilled enough for us to offer a better wage."

    Personally, I think that conclusion is a crock of shit. As is that logic.
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

  8. Hackwilson191

    Hackwilson191 Member


    OK the 80 percent is high, in most large cities around 40-50 percent of people under 25 have college degrees , for the nation its like 30 percent..but it is growing quickly and the 50 percent and 30-35 are from 2003 data. i am sure if you get 2007 data it will grow even more. Especially if you include an AA as a degree.

    The other quote is a wind up to what I say earlier in the post...if you read the whole thing you would have understood...in my city there was an ad for a janitorial manager, it asked for a business degree.


    Those are either misquotes or are taken out of context to prove your point.

    But I agree with your ending, there is no mold. If i have a choice though. I am going to bet on the side of the degree if it comes between two candidates, who are otherwise similar - if they are a newbie, because of the huge trend of most kids getting a degree. If it comes down to a high profile job that demands 20 years experience. Then no, it doesn't matter as much.


    I agree completely
  9. So the standard of today is that a "good" journalist should have a college degee, but I'm betting that some of the really good journalists of the past never had a degree to hang on their wall. Anybody have any insight?
  10. Hackwilson191

    Hackwilson191 Member

    I know what you are saying Huckleberry, but no I don't think a "good" journalist should have a college degree, but a newbie hire probably should.

    And I would say MOST good journalists of the past DIDN'T have a degree, just like MOST good businessmen of the past DIDN'T have a degree... But, 15-20 years from now I would say this changes to MOST DO
  11. Grantland Rice had a degree in journalism from Vanderbilt.
  12. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    And he's also not walking through that door.
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