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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Bucknutty, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. Tiger16

    Tiger16 Member


    To my knowledge, here's how it works. Anyone can register (that's new) and when you do register, you're placed in a network based on how you sign up. If you work at State Farm or go to LSU, for example, you go in the network with the other StateFarm.com and LSU.edu email adresses.

    Within that network, you can access anyone's profile (unless that person blocks it). Otherwise that person has to be your "friend" for you to access that profile, pictures, etc.
  2. Also, be wary if you're applying for a job. Just the other day I looked up a kid on facebook -- I have an account -- who was inquiring about a position. Nothing wrong with his page, but I've seen others in the past of people bonging beers, half-naked, blah blah blah....quick way to make sure you're application goes right to the circular file.
  3. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Interesting. I tried to register so I could look at high school/college athletes in my area just because and it wouldn't let me because I was only allowed to look at people from my newspaper - which was no one. It is a lot easier to get the dirt on people on myspace because you can look up anyone as long as you know their first and last name and as long as they didn't sign up under a false name.
  4. Leo Mazzone

    Leo Mazzone Member

    Yeah, somewhere in Wisconsin. Or did he move?
  5. Any editor who would discard an application solely on the basis of facebook pictures of "people bonging beers, half-naked, blah blah blah" is a dumbass. That's stuff everyone does. That's just part of being a college student, and I'd bet the majority of hiring editors were no different in college. I can tell you, I certainly haven't made any effort to censor my facebook account.
  6. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Ehhhh, while I agree that bonging beers and such are common college activities, the news judgement of someone who would choose to publish photographs of themselves in those positions does immediately come into question.

    And since we're in the businees of publishing news, I think it's grounds for the circular file.
  7. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    I think it's interesting how so many athletes are showing up in myspace and facebook photos.

    Example: Michael Vick smoking what looked suspiciously like a joint ("It was a cigar") on his girlfriend's myspace page.

    Your newspaper might not publish the photo.... But it can certainly make its rounds on the web.
  8. RedCanuck

    RedCanuck Active Member

    No, because you don't own the copyright to that photo. If you speak to the photographer and receive permission, then maybe — though I still don't know if I'd want something that's readily available. If you have the rights though, then it becomes strictly a news judgment.
  9. wickedwritah

    wickedwritah Guest

    What would they have a photo of on their Facebook page that would want you to print it?

    Also, you now can view people's Facebook pages if you share a geographic region.

    I agree a photo potentially can show something about a person's character, but to eliminate someone off there simply because he/she drank a beer in college and has a pic of the party to prove it? I wouldn't go that far.

    I have cleaned up my Facebook/MySpace pages, especially after the guy from Dover (Del.) got fired for his MySpace rant that exceeded anything I would ever post, but still ...
  10. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Or as long as their profile isn't set to private.

    Facebook is tons better than MySpace because there are no creeps on the site (at least I don't think so) and it's mainly geared towards college students.

    I never have liked the fact they opened it to everyone who wants to register, but whatever.
  11. So because it's part of being a college student an editor is supposed to look over it? Whatev. Like that excuse would carry any weight if an editor ever questioned you about your page during an interview. It's why a lot of people have taken steps to privatize their pages or remove the incriminating stuff.

    Besides, the jam thing to do on facebook for reporters is to put up AP wire shots of you interviewing athletes.
  12. Furry Tractor

    Furry Tractor Member

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