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Fan's recording of high-school kid's 'flagrant fouls' goes viral

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MisterCreosote, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. zimbabwe

    zimbabwe Active Member

    Connell is also consistently a state football champion, occasionally beating the eventual 2A state champion en route to the 1A championship.

    I'm too lazy to double-check, but I believe the players in the crosshairs here are defensive starters (and all-league and/or all-state at their position) for the football team.

    A coach in my area who used to coach in that league (the CWAC?) chuckled upon seeing the video and recalls pulling his team off the floor at certain gyms.

    The entity which governs high school athletics in Washington (WIAA) has issued a statement, a good 1/3rd of which is spent catching the uncle contradicting his statement to the Herald that he didn't want the video to go viral.

    So what? If the WIAA doesn't want its events submitted to public scrutiny, don't play them in public.
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    The big guy has lost a step, but he was great in Porky's 2.
  3. Raiders

    Raiders Guest

    For someone who said he didn't want to start a ruckus, the guy sure got busy with his Twitter key:

    Christenson emailed a copy of the video and demands for action to nine Tri-City Herald employees. He also used a Twitter account to send the video to the NCAA, ESPN, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Tony Kornheiser, Mike Wilbon, TNT's Kenny Smith, ESPN's Stephen A. Smith and Jim Rome. The Twitter account has since been deleted.

  4. OnTheRiver

    OnTheRiver Active Member

    The only one that's flagrant is No. 5. The other five fouls are just lazy-ass defense. The coach is obviously either a.) short on players or b.) sucks. Or maybe both. Why else play kids who are so shitty at defense?
  5. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    Four's pretty flagrant. Chasing after a loose ball and two-hand shoving a kid in the back who isn't near the ball is pretty bullshit.
  6. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    You really wanna admit having seen that?
  7. Rhody31

    Rhody31 Well-Known Member

    The parent was overreacting. The 'clothesline' looked like he got his hand on the ball and stopped the pipsqueak in his tracks. Since the little guy was flying forward and up, he had no place to go but down. The one where he swings for the block on the upfake and nearly kills the kid looks bad, but that's a result of not being good defensively as oPposed to being a thug. If parents don't like it, maybe their kid should stick to something a little easier.
  8. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Yes, absolutely. And too bad there isn't video of the kids parents, who are probably boorish assholes screaming at the refs and the other team.

    I think that is a good way to stop some of this dumb shit in youth and high school sports - start embarrassing these idiots.

    And then the schools that play that team should take it one step further - recruit about five goons from the football team and use them sort of like a checking line.

    The first time one of those fat fucks pulls their shit - sub in the five goons and have them knock the fuck out of those two.

    I'm so tired of assholes who play like this and the coaches who enable them and the quote from the coach "he is a teddy bear" is the exact kind of ridiculous comments made by a coach who probably gets a woody every time one of these assholes fucks someone up from the other team.
  9. By defining all of those as "flagrant fouls," the uncle/dad/videographer tells me he doesn't really understand what a flagrant foul is.

    The officials actually blew the whistle on all of those and didn't miss any calls, which is more than you're going to get half the time in high school basketball.
  10. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    There is this - but when you got big fat goons doing that shit - especially when they didn't help one guy up or show any class or sportsmanship, telling me they are assholes on a mission, you need to get them out of the game.
  11. BrendaStarr

    BrendaStarr Member

    Based on those clips, No. 5 is really the only one that qualifies as a flagrant foul.

    Otherwise, it's just basketball and the other team should dish out some hard fouls of their own if they don't like it.
  12. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    So you fix the situation by hiring a new set of bullies to take out the offending team.

    Brilliant. Doug McArthur would have nothing on you.

    This kind of shit is going to turn me liberal yet.
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