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Fate of Rocky Mountain News to be announced

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MileHigh, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Damn shame. Having worked at a Singleton shop that closed and a Scripps shop that closed, I share your pain...
  2. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Come to think of it, Scripps announced my paper was closing on a Thursday after the paper went to press. Thursday isn't good...
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I'm guessing he'll have his pick of ESPN.com, Sportsline, SI.com, MLB.com or whereever he wants to go.

    I'm thrilled Krieger and Littwin (a former sports columnist) landed on their feet at the Post. But those are the guys who were never going to have issues finding work. It's the beat writers and the copy editors and 95 percent of the staff that are going to have a brutal time finding work in this business. The big names always land on their feet.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Only if they let him wear his hat. ;D
  5. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Moral of the story: If slappy joins your paper, update your resume ;)
  6. BigRed

    BigRed Active Member

    Oh, yes. I've been through that dog-and-pony show - even seen it up close at the Scripps Networks HQ in Knoxville.
    Scripps doesn't care about its papers - all they care about is how much advertising they can sell on Rachael Ray's TV show and all their networks.
    When the split was announced last summer, we got a release from Boehne that said it was exciting because now Scripps could focus on newspapers.
    Yeah - focus on closing them. They were just splitting the company to protect themselves.. nothing more, nothing less. And I'm sure if/when the newspaper division gets shut down entirely, Rich Boehne will find himself a comfy spot back on the other side.
  7. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Yes. I'm puzzled, though. The Post laid off six newsroom managers a week ago, including the managing editor.
  8. SEeditor

    SEeditor Member

    To Mile High, I'm sorry to hear this news. Thank you for chatting from time to time. I don't think I ever met you on my visit there a year or so ago to interview. I hope you and others get back on your feet as soon as possible. I hope to be able to see Scott Stocker around at the high school games still, along with other of the freelancers.

    It's a sad day here, even for those of us who do work with The Denver Post.
  9. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    Man, what a nasty week for this business. I wish the best for SJ'ers and everyone else with one day left to work at the Rocky Mountain News.

    As someone working in possibly one of the smaller two-newspaper markets left in the U.S. (the Quad-Cities), we know this day is coming for us soon. It's just a matter of when, not if. But that doesn't make it easier for anyone.
  10. Andy _ Kent

    Andy _ Kent Member

    There's probably a chilled bottle of champagne inside his office mini-frig right now being saved for that day.

    Everything about this makes me sick, but I really came close to losing my lunch when I watched that video and heard Boehne try to make those poor souls feel better by saying something along the lines of, "It was nothing that you guys did. You did everything right. The Rocky just became a victim of a dying business model." ???

    Couldn't drum up the cajones to come up with something a bit more honest, like say, "We're just sorry we didn't at least kiss you before fucking you up the ass!" :'(
  11. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    This thread is the saddest I have ever read here. Chuck Hickey's note...those pictures. Crushing.

    God bless those professionals who have the pride and dignity to stay until the very end. That's their paper. They'll be there when it takes its last breath.

  12. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    Just another idle thought as I go through this thread: the Post brings in Krieger to join Kiszla and the clown Paige, giving them three sports columnists. This comes after Singleton gutted the LANG sports columnist pool.
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