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Fate of Rocky Mountain News to be announced

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MileHigh, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Yup, true story.
  2. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    And John Temple, the editor/publisher, is leaving Scripps.

  3. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Mile High: I second (or probably 122nd) the good wishes for the future and respect for all that was here.

    Just remember one thing - you are as good an editor as you were last week, last month, and last year. In times of turmoil, it might be hard to remember that but keep that in a mental sticky note near the front of your brain.

    Rick Sadowski was awesome as a hockey writer - and will be again.

    It is surprising the Rocky Mountain News went first. But I would postulate that the Denver Post circulation will not increase that much. If I had to make a wager, I would be that in two years it would decline. That might seem without logic, but I believe it will be true. The Denver Post might hire a couple of good writers and people from the RMN. I believe that at best, advertisers will look at advertising in the Denver Post as a short-term solution and will begin planning for a life without newspapers. This is truly scary.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    I've gone through all the PMs and I have a huge stack of envelopes here on my dining room table to send out.
    I have some papers left. If you missed the earlier post about wanting a copy and you still want one, feel free to drop me a PM with your address and I'll get one sent out to you.
    I'm hoping to drop these in the mail sometime tomorrow afternoon.
  5. ServeItUp

    ServeItUp Active Member

    Looks like Ringo and company are keeping busy in Tucson. Given the regard in which Rocky sports is held, this will be a very well-read site.

  6. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Who is paying for that? Are the writers paying out of pocket for expenses?
  7. Some Guy

    Some Guy Active Member

    My big question is: Who is funding this thing?
  8. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Here is a post from Tracy about the web site, though it doesn't have information on who is funding it:

  9. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Well, I provided my own stimulus package to the U.S. Postal Service today. If you PM'd me with your address (and lots of you did), a package is on its way to you with a final edition of the Rocky Mountain News.

    Give it some time to get there. It is the USPS after all.
  10. Dillon Panther

    Dillon Panther New Member

    Even though I'm a noob here, I just thought I'd add my two cents. As a recent journalism grad, when I first read about this my initial reaction was kicking myself once again for pursuing a journalism degree in today's climate and feeling sorry for all who were involved. After reading MileHigh's posts, however, I was reminded why I did and what I love about this business. I only hope to have as much class and dignity if I ever go through something similar.
  11. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Although odds are we all live downhill from you, so that's bound to speed it up a bit. :)
  12. Thanks for the interest in the funding of the website.
    It is being funded by myself, Jack Etkin and Steve Foster.
    Foster became a website guru during his stay with the Rocky, and fortunately was able to build the thing himself in a day so that we were able to get it up and going quickly.
    Spring training will be pieced together. I will be dropping in a couple of times, but needless to say, I did need to get home to sort out some personal matters. Now I get to go to the MWC tournament, and once THE Cowboys and Cowgirls play their final game in Vegas, I'll drop back into Tucson for a few days, and also return for a week late in the spring. When the season starts, I'll be doing 104 games with the FSN Rocky Mountain team, although the expenses are on me.
    What the heck, right now, the expenses in the final weeks of the Rocky were on me, too. Credit cards were cut off while I was in Tucson, even though I was assured the card would remain active until I got back to Colorado. So I had to pay for my own rental car, hotel and trip home. Then reimbursement check wasn't accepted at the bank, although I was assured if I desposited it in my checking account it would clear.
    Yeah, right, and when I go back to Arizona I'm looking for ocean front propery.
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