Now youse can't leave. So classic. And then they beat the crap out of the bikers and had the whole neighborhood chasing them down.
Here’s mine: I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet. To me, it’s the best because it stands on its own. You don’t have to ever have watched the whole film. If you see just that, it points out WTF and the absurdity of war. The movie in a nutshell.
So on FB there was a "Best opening scene of a movie that sets up the entire film...." thing. This came instantly to mind. Such a masterclass in direction. Oh, and if Trump thinks the border is a sieve NOW!
I'll also take the final scene of Presumed Innocent, when <spoiler alert> Harrison Ford discovers his wife is the killer.
1) Tommy Lee Jones ordering the search party in “The Fugitive.” 2) Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) lists his demands in the original “Die Hard.” 3) “These go to 11.”