I’ve always loved the look/transition in Riggs’ eyes in the “Are you really crazy?” scene from Lethal Weapon. “I’m hungry. I’m gonna go get a hot dog.”
The scene where Michael makes the plan to kill Sollozzo and McKluskey does it for me every time. Let’s set the meeting. I’ll kill ‘em both.
I seriously needed a laugh after everything’s that’s going on, and I found it in Davethebarberbunchanumbers’ comment on Don Ciccio: “I like how he holds the can of olive oil and has the look on his face like ‘what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?”
Nearly three years after the fact, but this is the first scene I thought of when I finally discovered this thread today. Hopper's character knows he's a dead man and just goes all-in. Perfect scene and Hopper grimacing as he takes one more drag on the cigarette says more than anything he could have uttered. Hopper's also responsible for one of the great lines of the '90s: "Son of a bitch is right. She tastes like a peach."