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Ferguson / Staten Island Decisions -- No Indictments

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Edit: Wookie Goldberg
  2. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    I get so upset when people say mean and hurtful things ... on the Internet.
  3. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    Pussy makes the world go round.

    Smells good.
  4. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    DD, it was proven that several of the witnesses who said he had his hands up were lying.

    Some admitted they weren't even there, and were only repeating what they had heard. Why are we still discussing them, and especially counting them?

    You want to tell me what the race of the witnesses who do not say he had his hands up is/are?

    Answer me this: do you know any prosecutor who would want to take this case before a jury? Do you know any prosecutor who thinks he could get a conviction with this evidence, and with these witnesses?

    Because if they don't think they could get a conviction, there's no reason to take it to trial.
  6. Spartan Squad

    Spartan Squad Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    I take it you've never gone down on a hippie after she came back from Burning Man.
  7. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    Scott Raab probably has.

    "Moroccan bazaar" ...
  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    I'm sorry, does *several* mean all? Because I see two saying definitively he did not put his hands up, seven who didn't know, and 16 saying he did.

    So … is it your contention that ALL 16 are lying mental patients playing neighborhood telephone?

    My goodness, what a neighborhood!

    I would think if we threw out, say, 60 percent of the witnesses for maybe smoking the devil weed or making shit up (and 60 percent is a lot!), we'd still have about six witnesses saying Michael Brown did, in fact, put his hands up after the shooting began. And six people, that still three times as many people saying yes as there were saying say Brown did NOT raise his hands.

    So, just based on that alone, I'd say it's pretty ridiculous for the STLPO spokesman to throw a tantrum saying that the evidence presented to the grand jury overwhelmingly meant the St. Louis Rams players were insulting every hard working cop in St. Louis by putting their hands in the air.

    You want to tell me Darren Wilson shouldn't have been prosecuted? You go right ahead. You want to pretend that EVERYONE in the neighborhood is a lying liar with mental problems, well, sorry. No.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    I don't know how many of the 16 were proven to be liars, and neither do you apparently.

    I'm not sure why we should stipulate that 60% of them would be the top end. The DA in his statement prior to announcing there was no indictment ran through a list of witnesses who admitted they lied and or were not there. There was a bunch of them.

    But, let's go to the physical evidence as well. This was Wilson's lawyer on Sunday:

    He's clearly coming back towards Wilson. I doubt his hands were at his side like some Irish step dancer. He probably wasn't running towards him with his hands up over his head either.

    To the degree his hands were "up" it was probably like a rushing football player, which is how one witness described it.
  10. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    And, again, has anyone heard a single prosecutor say that they think they could get a conviction with this evidence/these witnesses?
  11. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    Here's on former prosecutor discussing the issue:

  12. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Ferguson Decision -- No Indictment

    Did we really just get a block quote of Darren Wilson's lawyer as proof of Darren Wilson's story?
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