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First football Friday ...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by HejiraHenry, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. clarkington

    clarkington Member

    Here was where I stood on the matter. If you're going to write that the guy just joined the team two days ago, that's fine. But don't go up to the other coach and tell him it happened so you can get his reaction (which was that he was going to protest the result of the game).
    Now, the writer didn't fully know the rule. He hardly knew it at all, actually. He has since learned it second-hand. It's a cluster-fuck. It sounds like the school is going to forfeit its win. The sad party is this was probably the only win they'll get all year. Talked to a kid's parent today. Guy said his kid is quitting the team because of it. Basically because the kid missed a meeting he said he didn't know about and the coach tells him he needs to play by the rules like everybody else. So the guy "cheats" knowingly the night before (coach told our writer he had enough practices) and then tells this kid to play fair. It's all really disappointing.
  2. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    I do feel bad for the kid and those players. This team is already in the tank and it's not even Labor Day.
  3. joe

    joe Active Member

    After 11 years of football Fridays, I miss them like I miss a pimple on my ass. And, no, I don't miss a pimple on my ass. Friday nights free = bliss.
  4. clarkington

    clarkington Member

    Joe, it was one of your favorite writers of all time who did what I was talking about above: One FLK.
  5. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    More than happy to if you pay me mileage!
  6. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member


    I like covering sports and I love covering high school football ... just not from the end of July to stinking Christmas. The NFL and colleges, yes. The fartknockers can't get done soon enough.
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