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Folksy Is As Folksy Does.

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Fenian_Bastard, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Dude, the joke is on G.W.B., not the reporter. No one's going to remember his name a week from now, at least not for this. And Jones, the sunglasses were pretty normal-looking ones.
  2. SockPuppet

    SockPuppet Active Member

    Before Bush went dark side with the shades guy, he was his usual "jovial" self. The Daily Show's segment showed him saying "Roger, Roger'' and then talking about someone's scarf.
    This "witty small talk" is supposed to make Fredo look (choose one) a, affable; b, witty; c, everyman, d, intelligent enough to think on his feet. My guess is that none of the White House correspondents like being treated like a bunch of fraternity rush candidates by "Eric Stratton.''
    George W. Bush is a FUCKING IDIOT, a FRAUD and an EMBARRASSMENT to this country.
    Shove that up your tailpipes, GOP dick heads.
  3. Sock Poppet - yup - Bush sure ain't no John Kerry or Howard Dean. Yup.

    POO - If Wallstein is mentioned from now on it will "Oh yeah - he's the blind guy Bush made fun of." You need to make Wallstein the victim in order to make Bush the bad guy.
  4. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Sorry Lou. I just don't see how or why a reporter is central to the note. George W. Bush made of a blind guy for wearing sunglasses.
  5. POO - a legally blind guy. It is an important difference. Did Wallstein have a white cane? Did he even let anyone know about his affliction? It couldn't be too bad if he never even let the White House press folks know about it.
  6. Zeke - Bush has a undergrad degree from Yale and a MBA from Harvard and now he's the leader of the free world.

    You post on a SportsJournalist board and most of your replies are ignored by everyone. Do you not see the irony of you calling Bush an idiot?
  7. goalmouth

    goalmouth Well-Known Member

    I never will understand why Bush felt it necessary to hire Tony Snow when there are so many apologists who will jump in, free of charge.
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    1. Excellent job of ignoring the question because you don't have an answer.
    2. If it makes you feel better, you're an idiot, as well.
    3. You'd do well to look up the definition of irony sometime.
    4. To the best of my knowledge, I didn't make fun of any blind people yesterday. Facts are facts.
    5. You post on a sports journalists message board and are not, to my knowldege, a sports journalist. So I'd put that rock back on the pile.
  9. Heh heh - poke a toad and they get all fiesty
  10. Kato

    Kato Well-Known Member

    Wow. Somebody received the same talking points Ann Coulter had before she went on Leno last night.

    She mentioned that liberals roll out victims like the 911 widows and Max Cleeland in order to paint conservatives as bad guys and keep the other side of the argument quiet. She says that as if the left pulled these people out of hiding.

    Max Cleeland only became a victim when the GOP turned him into an unpatriotic dove. The 911 widows are fighting loudly, not because they're liberals but because they lost loved ones in a terrorist attack and want answers that don't involve Iraq. They're no different than parents who had their children abducted or afflicted with disease who now fight for what they believe in.

    And as for Wallstein, the only people calling him "that blind guy" on this board right now are the posters defending Bush.

    Bush was feeling smug after his trip to Iraq and the killing of Zarqawi and tried to be cute with the sunglasses guy. It ended up being an embarrassing blunder that made both the president and his staff look foolish. To Bush's credit, he apologized to Wallstein. And that's huge because he's not exactly known for admitting when he's wrong.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    In W's defense, that was a good move calling and apologizing to the reporter, and he actually came off well in the conversation as reported by Wallstein.
  12. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    That W's a riot. Boy, I'd like to have a beer with him. I bet he can light up his farts and everything!
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