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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Sep 21, 2012.

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  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member


    Where were you guys when this was happening? Were you posting your outrage here when this was happening? Hell no, you guys were screaming about how unpatriotic the media was.

    BTW, your guy was also opposed to a shield law for reporters.


    BTW, that proposal would have had this exception:

    And here's another one:


    Those reporters also were doing their job. Yet, you guys seemed perfectly happy blasting the "libruhl media" every day until someone from your favorite network got caught up in it himself. You saw nothing wrong with it then.

    And I find your comment about ethical to be laughable. How many times on here have people pointed out things that unethical (such as Romney's off-shore tax havens), but are legal? Heck, right now on the Apple thread, you cons are complaining about how Congress has called Apple to testify about the ethics of their tax avoidance, even though it's legal.
  2. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member


    Let me be clear. Seizing the emails is absolutely fine with me as a former journalist and as an American. Rosen exposed no government malfeasance. He endangered an intelligence asset in a hostile government purely to get a scoop. No greater good was served by the story, and no greater good was served by Kim's leak.

    I'll admit that I don't like the language in the affidavit. The "co-conspirator" stuff bothers me. But what you're ignoring here is that ROSEN WAS NEVER PROSECUTED. The DOJ got the information they needed, used it to seal the leak and moved on. I'm not an Eric Holder fan, but it seems to me that his office struck the right balance here.
  3. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Valerie Plame still waiting for answers from a hostile government ...
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member


    "Guys, we're not here to talk about the past."
  5. BenPoquette

    BenPoquette Active Member

    Well, where was I? I was not a member of these boards so what do you know about my complaints about the Bush Administration? And show me one post I have made about Apple defending the company. Just one.

    How are those truffles?
  6. BenPoquette

    BenPoquette Active Member

    I'm surprised the lefties are still lying about Obama supporting this media shield law. Are you too lazy to do the research on his supposed "support?"


    There is a little bit for starters. Needless to say, good old Barack Hussein was all for the shield law...until he was president. Then, well, let's just say his opinion must have evolved.
  7. Are you going to plead ignorance again?
  8. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I didn't say you specifically. I said "You cons", implying SJ's conservative group in general.
  9. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Um, no, I also said "You guys" earlier. For all I know, one of you could be a girl. That doesn't mean that I meant everyone is a guy.
  10. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm not wading through the sludge of the past few pages to see if anyone's already posted this, so if they have, my apologies.

    Unions angry about Obamacare:


    Union leaders warn that unless the problem is fixed, there could be consequences for Democrats facing re-election next year.

    "It makes an untruth out of what the president said — that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. "That is not going to be true for millions of workers now."
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Apparently even unions have a limit to how much The One can lie to them.
  12. 3_Octave_Fart

    3_Octave_Fart Well-Known Member

    The best thread on the site loses Asrael and Petty as everyday contributors.
    So we get you and Longtime Dipshit to paper over the holes.
    Not a real good tradeoff. Not real good entertainment.
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