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gannett plans to layoff 3,000 by december.

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by spankys, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Also not in the community newspaper group: Glasgow, Scotland.

  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Also, here's a piece from Gannett Blog penned by a now-former employee of the Indy Star on what it's like to suddenly be a former newspaperman.

  3. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    Agreed. I've had to let people go, and even for cause it raised all kinds of hell with my body. Anyone who thinks people enjoy firing employees they work with is seriously off base.

    On the other hand, people who brag about firing people belong in their own special section of hell.
  4. albert77

    albert77 Well-Known Member

    The one that shocked me was Orley Hood, who's been their Features columnist for years. Gone, after 35 years at the Ledger, and not by choice. Sports lost Van Dyess, who ran their prep scores desk. He took the buyout, and that's a big loss for them. I also hear Bobby Cleveland is considering retirement.
  5. greenlantern

    greenlantern Guest

    Anybody heard anything on the Tennessean?
  6. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member


    I told my editor and copy desk chief that everything was fine. It was crystal clear that there was nothing personal involved. The body language was still a little awkward - no surprise - but I knew they felt bad enough.

    It had to be a horrible day for them. Good people asked to do a truly crappy deed.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    According to gannettblog, the total is now up to 1,770 with 57 of the 85 Gannett papers accounted for.
    This is sickening
  8. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    It's like waiting on the Election from Hell. The countdown is on for precincts reporting.

    Will it ever end?
  9. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    It's an election in which no one gets a recount, your future votes are strictly absentee and there are a whole bunch of dangling Chads. Dangling Toms, Freds, Jasons, Marys, Bettys and Margarets, too.
  10. wicked

    wicked Well-Known Member

    Was wondering how long it'd take for someone to make a Schulte reference...
  11. GlenQuagmire

    GlenQuagmire Active Member

    I heard 92 overall in Nashville.
  12. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    here's the paper-by-paper tally at gannettblog

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