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gannett plans to layoff 3,000 by december.

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by spankys, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Considering the institutional memory Gannett is cashiering, I'm figuring the average subscriber will have more general knowledge of what is going on their communities than the average reporter left behind. Not a good move.
  2. greenlantern

    greenlantern Guest

    Wondering if anyone knew what sports guys were gone.
  3. MGoBlue

    MGoBlue Member

    After reading this thread all day, and all 20 pages, I must say it's one of the most riveting, yet horrific, threads of my SportsJournalists.com viewing career.

    I even cried at times.

    So sad.

    A Cox sympathizer
  4. SoCalDude

    SoCalDude Active Member

    Respectively disagree, but will abide.
  5. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't be surprised if this "election" didn't settle the issue and there is a "run-off" in a month or so.
  6. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    I have been told that Jackson, Ms. lost 10 in the newsroom but only one in sports. However that loss in sports was a prep guy who kept all of the prep records and such in the state. Way to go Gannett.
  7. Furry Tractor

    Furry Tractor Member

    The better to mobilize those average subscribers as "citizen journalists," my dear
  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I thought the same thing when Orlando got rid of its golf writer.
  9. e_bowker

    e_bowker Member

    Those are some big losses. Two of their most well-read columnists and a guy who's a walking record book for the state. Yipes.
  10. Shifty Squid

    Shifty Squid Member

    From a friend at the paper ...

    Amanda Tate, copy editor/designer
    Joe Z (not sure how to spell his last name), copy editor/designer/writer
    David LaRock, copy editor/writer

    Apparently, Joe also did a popular fishing column they're not sure how to continue. And David was good writing help on a staff with only two FT writers. He was hired as a part-timer less than 6 months ago. The phrase "universal desk" is being bandied about.
  11. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Hearing Indy Star lost 20 in the newsroom, one in sports (veteran copy editor). This is the bloodletting of all bloodlettings.
  12. Panhandle PK

    Panhandle PK Member

    My noob-question of the day is... if they were worried about salaries, why cut a part-timer who just started out? Wouldn't it make more "sense" to keep the PT help and just add their workload? Then again...I get the feeling Gannett doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway....
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