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gannett plans to layoff 3,000 by december.

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by spankys, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    That story had a regrettable lack of mainstreaming.
  2. Any names from Asbury Park or Cherry Hill, NJ?
  3. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    This is what this business has come to:

    No noose is good news.
  4. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    You have to be kidding me. I really hope he was on his way out, anyway.

    That dude was an institution.

    Damn. Best of luck, Terry.
  5. The Granny

    The Granny Guest

    You know what pisses me off about this whole thing locally for me. Our local Gannett paper (which I thankfully don't work at) just sliced 15 jobs. Don't know who is gone and from what departments. That's neither here nor there.

    What I do know is that the fucking publisher's wife still gets paid to write a fucking column (she uses her real name and photo so everybody knows who she is) and she also gets paid to write a blog which they have not-so-cleverly tried to disguise as someone else (it's her, a fact). She's good at neither.

    Then, a week before the layoffs, the publisher hints at the layoffs in a story on the editorial board for some local free weekly. And, in said story, the fucking Information News Kiosk Greeter (or whatever her lame drug-induced Gannett-named position is) throws her reporters under the bus by telling another media outlet, they have to work harder.

    Wonder if any of those 15 folks were ones that needed to "work harder." And, yes, the publisher's wife is still writing.
  6. Wonderlic

    Wonderlic Member

  7. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Of course, the editor lost his job over that cover.

    Man, those were the days. Losing your job over a journalistic decision.
  8. Fredrick

    Fredrick Well-Known Member

    This is one of the greatest posts in the history of message boards. Shows what a piece of utter shit, utter dogdung Gannett is, and also does it in the funniest of ways. Information News Kiosk Greeter!!! You are a genius!
  9. pseudo

    pseudo Well-Known Member

    Two out of sports in Rochester, buckdub. Their lead columnist -- a guy who went to Beijing for GNS not that long ago -- and an ASE who's been doing good work there since the late '60s. That looks like age/salary, and nothing else, to me. Sure as hell wasn't on merit, because they're two of the best I've seen.

    Of course, results elsewhere may vary. I'll agree with you there.
  10. this has been one of the roughest two days of my 25-year sports writing career

    was not easy today to roll up my sleeves and write a main and notes about some bullshit or other
  11. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    Cleveland's departure is unlikely.

    The experience and knowledge departing the industry is troubling. Shedding people with 30 or 35 years is like tossing out your history.
  12. thegrifter

    thegrifter Member

    So, I'm curious about these layoffs. A lot of places have done layoffs, only to have openings for other positions a couple of weeks later.
    Does anyone know if this is the case with Gannett? Also, would someone fired at one shop be eligible for a gig at another?
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