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Gary Sheffield knows why African-Americans are disappearing from MLB

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by broadway joe, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. armageddon

    armageddon Active Member

    Never ask a question like that without knowing the answer.

    It appears Zag was poised with his finger on the reply button, just waiting for you to take the bait.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    If effect Gary Sheffield called the latin baseball players a bunch of Uncle Tom's. No - I don't see any venom in Sheff's statements:

    "I called it years ago. What I called is that you're going to see more black faces, but there ain't no English going to be coming out. … [It's about] being able to tell [Latin players] what to do -- being able to control them," he told the magazine.

    "Where I'm from, you can't control us. You might get a guy to do it that way for a while because he wants to benefit, but in the end, he is going to go back to being who he is. And that's a person that you're going to talk to with respect, you're going to talk to like a man.

    "These are the things my race demands. So, if you're equally good as this Latin player, guess who's going to get sent home? I know a lot of players that are home now can outplay a lot of these guys."
  3. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    So now you're saying that blacks don't look good in baseball uniforms and thus don't want to play baseball? What does their attraction level on a scale of 1-10 have to do with anything?
  4. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    Interesting how instead of tweeking the quotes slightly to form complete sentences and coherent thoughts, the writer makes Sheff look like an uneducated buffoon with his own words.
  5. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I didn't get that out of his comments. I got the fact that he stating that they're playing on their ignorance no different than companies who hire immigrant labor in other fields.

    Baseball isn't immune to it. And neither are any of us immune to people like yourself who always attribute some vile thought coming from a person you probably disliked to begin with.
  6. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Give me a break big chip - I've read enough of your work to know that you would not want to be called "compliant"
  7. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    Uh oh!!

    I've been typecast as the angry black man. I guess the role of playing a person who's concerned about the overall human condition is out of the question because I'm simply too damn angry to make a point.

    Let me take off that costume you've dressed me in.....and for one god given second, let's get back to being journalists rather than engaging in this tit for tat charade you and Zag are on...is that possible?

    Looking deeper, Sheff is talking about a pattern that has followed African American men throughout many lines of employment. African American men have diminished in many industries due to immigrant labor, and are disproportionately affected by it than any group in this country I might add. And this is up and down the employment ladder.
    Baseball isn't immune to it. And neither are any of us immune to people like yourself who always attribute some vile thought coming from a person you probably disliked to begin with. I guess I should also bear the brunt of that dislike since "you've followed my body of work" on this site and have me figured out as a simple minded angry windbag.

    And this is one of the many reasons why I love talking to people like you. You simply don't get to hear these things and question those that don't provide the reassurance Zag does doing the soft toe jig.

    Question my facts.

    But alas, for a man to speak about things that rocks the boat means he must bear the yoke of demonetization rather than looking at the big picture, inarticulate as some maybe, one has touched.
  8. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    And to add, I've said the same about the white American basketball player years ago squeezed out for these Euro scrubs. But that was said by me on sohh over 6 years ago.

    I even said Tom Coverdale should've earned a job over many of journeyman Euros who made it to the states off a good workout.

    But then again, I'm the angry black man. I can't have those thoughts!!

  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    You never answered my question- would you like to be refered to as "compliant"
  10. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I'm not here playing Mr. Stickler for a word or two you may have disliked. I'm concerned about the body of Sheff's point which you refuse to address since you're in "invalidate him" mode.
  11. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot Big Chee.  As another black man, reading that post just made me angry.  

    How long do we got to continue playing the motherfucking "victim" card and stay pissed off at everything that we've been used to for so damn long?  I was on the unemployment line for nine months until last week, when I finally got back on the train.  I wasn't pissed off about it or harboring ill will because "Jose" and "The Man" were conspiring to put me down.  Things at my old job didn't work out.  

    I refused to play the "victim" during my "extended vacation."  If I had an interview and didn't get the job, cool.  If they were going to give me the courtesy interview, that's alright, because I was going to play their asses for something better.  Karma's a bitch.  

    But, I've had enough of gloryhounds like Schilling and Sheffield having a forum to spout whatever comes out of their mouths.  I don't know if they are college grads or scholars.  Nor do I care.  

    In effect, Sheff is calling Latin ballplayers pussies.  Plain and simple.  It's intriguing to hear what he has to say about Latins, when he has done the following:  

    -whine and bitch about his contract
    -whine and bitch about being treated nice.  Just because you get "paid" doesn't give you a free "be nice to me" card
    -whine and bitch, on top of whine and bitch about everything that comes to mind.  
    -say something that gets on paper, then backpedal, claiming that it was taken out of context.  If you said it, it's going to be printed.  

    Sheff, why don't you, Schilling, and the fat boy they call David Wells take your fucking glove, go back into the dugout and shut the fuck up.  All three of them are exactly what they should be looked at as:  windbags blowing no reason but to be heard.  And that ain't a black thang, either. It's widespread.

    This should not even be a topic of discussion.  But it's Sheff talking, so here's your sign.  
  12. Big Chee

    Big Chee Active Member

    I'm a victim to speaking on this while using facts to back my statements.

    LOL @ this shouldn't be talked about?

    Are you a communist? A part of a repressive regime where words aren't allowed because you may not like whats being said?

    I said white guys in the states are being dismissed for Euro imports. Are they not hurt by that influx and blantent disregard by the NBA in catering to them? What's the problem of me saying that as a black man? Not only are you a black man, you're dead ass wrong too.

    Stop being a cornball. That "as a black man" card is tired.
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