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Gatehouse offering buyouts

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by SoloFlyer, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    This is turning into a continually running thread. What is the over under on the number of pages it goes?
  2. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Two top execs, longtimes sales VP and longtime marketing VP both gone. I mean, you go on a buying spree, where do you think a company is going to get the money?
  3. LanceyHoward

    LanceyHoward Well-Known Member

    You sell more stock. Gatehouse keeps bumping up the dividend. It currently is $1.48 a year and the stock is $15.40. So the yield is just under 10%.

    Gatehouse says they pay about four times EBITDA for a property. So they pay 40 million dollars for the newspaper, the Hapless Times, which has an EBITDA of ten millions dollars a year. Gatehouse would sell about 2.7 million shares of stock to yield hungry investors.

    So Gatehouse adds cash flow of ten million and has to pay four million in dividends. That leaves six million of free cash flow. Gatehouse starves capital expenditures and pockets the rest. The problem is that revenues decline every year at the Hapless Journal by about five percent a year. While Gatehouse will continue to hack away at costs revenues continue to decline and the paper will go negative EBITDA. Then said paper will be consolidated or closed.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018
  4. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

  5. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

  6. Slacker

    Slacker Well-Known Member

  7. Corky Ramirez up on 94th St.

    Corky Ramirez up on 94th St. Well-Known Member

    A friend -- actually, my first sports editor 20 years ago -- was laid off Friday in Providence. Not sure how many there were all together, but ...
  8. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    Thoughts and prayers to everyone involved.
  9. swingline

    swingline Well-Known Member

    Screw the prayers. Send casseroles.
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

  11. apeman33

    apeman33 Well-Known Member

  12. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member

    Whoever named that newspaper must have had their head up their ...
    Spartan Squad and Baron Scicluna like this.
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