Some others that haven't been mentioned: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Mitch Hedberg Dane Cook (yeah, I said it) Jeff Foxworthy (but not Cable Guy) Adam Sandler Bob Newhart Jackie Mason Don Rickles Lisa Lampanelli
I love Sandler, but his standup blows... Jackie Mason is horrendous... I definitely forgot about Rickles, who would have to be top 20... Bernie Mac should be up there... D.L. Hughley is pretty damn good... Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy as well... David Spade, Sarah Silverman... Dane Cook blows goats...
I would agree on Black and Izzard... Crystal is way overrated... I mean, I guess Steve Martin should be on these lists, even though he hasn't done stand-up in almost 30 years...
For those of the '60's generation, David Steinberg. Acerbic, political and funny as hell. Was on Johnny Carson over a 100 times.
"Let Evil Knevil get ON the plane. I'll be in here with you folks in uniform. There seems to be less WIND IN HERE!"