It's actually more like, "You can get ON the plane, I'm going to get IN the sonofabitch." Always struck me as the kind of thing that would sound really profound if you were too stoned to stand up. Please, no ill-conceived lists of top comedians that omit Robert Klein and Albert Brooks, but include one-trick crapmeisters like Dice Clay
10,896. Gallagher 10,897. Carrot Top 10,898. Gallagher II 10,899. Dane Cook 10,900. Watching puppies be kicked to death... 10,901. Jay Leno
Ya know, this will draw some scorn, but if you take away the Sledge-o-matic and give him a decent haircut, Gallagher's observations weren't all that unfunny.
Got to have Robert Klein on the list, if only for the channeling-Alan-King delivery. And yes, any mention of Leno's awfulness has to include an asterisk for his pre-Tonight-host days. Finally, I have no links or hard evidence to back this up, but doesn't Robin Williams have some plagiarism problems of his own? I've always heard he was quick to steal a line.
Steinberg does an interview show on TV Land. It's very interesting. I think it's called 'The Comic Mind.' Anyway, he just sits and talks with people in comedy. Good stuff.