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George Carlin

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Chef, May 7, 2007.

  1. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    That's what I heard about Williams. Supposedly he gets on those hyper rants and starts spewing, often "borrowing" stuff he heard elsewhere. I also heard that his people will generously hand out some cash to lesser known comics who can make a valid case that he stole from them.
  2. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Am I the only person in the world who finds Robin Williams insufferable?
  3. Dignan

    Dignan Guest

    I get about 10 percent of his jokes. The other 90 percent is incoherent.
  4. Pete Wevurski

    Pete Wevurski Member

    Six pages and no love for Woody Allen's standup routines? The stuff long before he made "Bananas."

    The Berkowitz's will never believe it!
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    he was funny when he was coked up. the jokes? not so much. watching one man sweat three pounds by just talking for 10 minutes? hysterical.
  6. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I saw him live in 1986 and he was fantastic... He hasn't changed his act since...
  7. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    His last HBO special he certainly changed it up. He did some pretty dirty stuff and it was hilarious.
  8. finishthehat

    finishthehat Active Member

    So, for people who see a lot of live comedy, at what show did you have your single biggest laugh?

    For me, it was Seinfeld in a small club in the early 80s. The joke itself doesn't sound all that funny now -- about those strange little ID cards that used to come in kids' wallets -- but good Christ I laughed my ass off.
  9. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Mizzougrad... how can you rank anyone below Carrot Top?
  10. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    Yesss... the joke about the moose.

    Another great video clip is Flip Wilson doing the ugly baby joke on the first Johnny Carson video. Fantastic.
  11. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    So Carlin will have a posthumous memoir published. I really hope the title is - "Stuff I was too chicken to say when I was alive."
  12. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

    supposedly it's called "Last Words"
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