That's the first time I heard them too. Just saying that "fuck" and "motherfucker" are redundant. I thought the same thing when I was 14 and saw it the first time. He could've thrown in an "eighth" dirty word. Booger? ;D
Saw him twice at Bally's in Vegas. Both times he literally read from a script because he said he was trying to memorize his act for his next HBO special. Turned me off big time. Practice on your own time, not when I'm paying $50 or whatever it was to watch your act.
The fact that he's playing Vegas shows how little the guy gives a shit anymore. He was interviewed by Jon Stewart in 1997 and said he'd never play Vegas because a lot of people go to see acts when they're there that dont care about the act. "We can go gamble, go look for hookers...or go see Carlin." He said he liked going onthe road because he knew the entire room was full of people that were Carlin fans.
I've lost track of how many times I've seen Carlin live... It's probably close to 30... He's been off his game once and that was right before the last time he went into rehab. If Richard Pryor is the best ever, Carlin is a close second...
I saw him live once with my father at a local opera house. He did rather well. I laugh very hard when I listen to him.
The original "seven words you can't say on television" is from Carlin's Occupation Foole" album released in 1973
True, plus I think there's part of George that says, "Ya know what? Fuck it. I've been rebelling against the system since the 1960s. They know where I stand. I'm just gonna cash every check that I can from now on. I've earned it. What? You want me to play the voice of a talking van in a Pixar film? Gimme a contract? Vegas for six weeks? Yeah, what the hell..." I'd do the same thing.
Same thing happened to me at Stardust. He told the crowd he was prepping for an HBO special, but he was pretty much polished. He botched just one joke.