I'd have to agree on that. How many people can you find that have seen and REMEMBER more than one Carlin Stand up? Or Pryor or Chapelle for tha matter? Most people I talk to remember RAW and DELIRIOUS like it was gospel.
My Personal favorites. (In no particular order) Richard Pryor Robin Williams George Carlin Lenny Bruce Eddie Murphy
Good call. It is easy to get lost in some of the issues of more recent years and forget just how funny he was in his prime.
I disagree. Cobsy is/was an amusing storyteller and comes off as likeable but he's not knee slapper funny. Some of his stuff just rambles.
"I am the goalie. When one of the children escapes, it is my job to kick them back into play." My wife and I still refer to that line dealing with our 3-year-old. Damn, it's hard to find one-liners since everything is a larger story with him. Bill Cosby: Himself still makes me laugh. One thing was kinda creepy, though. I was thinking about him talking about having one boy and four girls. part of the routine, and this was when his children were pretty young, was talking about the daughters wanting to kill the son. "I don't think the boy is going to live (pause....laughter)....It is not I, nor my wife, who are going to kill this child. But I have heard my daughters plotting...." I forget the rest. Obviously, a joke, but still kinda creepy considering what happened to the son.
Yup. No racial issues here. OK. Great list, Mizzou. But which Miller at 8th: Dennis or Larry? Argument could be made for either one.
I know he was once great, but Bill Cosby has sucked for 20 years... I saw him about five years ago and he's not even close to being funny anymore...
Both of those are "personal favorite," "acquired-taste" funny men. As many people don't like them as do. That top-10 list ... there are very few people who argue against any of them.
I think we're talking stand-up comedians which I don't believe David or Gervais are. And sorry, no top ten list can exclude Lenny Bruce. And Chris Rock has to be there. And although he was a bit of a one-trick pony, Steven Wright was great in the day.