I agree on Bruce and Wright. There is nobody on that list who I would kick off for Chris Rock. And let's not forget ... early Steve Martin.
Agreed. Then again, I wouldn't put 2007 Carlin very high, either. He's still funnier than current Cosby, but not even close to his former levels. I was talking about these guys in their prime years.
And Rock's "the white man is evil" doesn't get tired after a while? If we put him on, we've got to put Martin Lawrence on too.
If you think that's Rock act, you haven't ever seen it since he left SNL... Second 10 11. Chris Rock 12. Lenny Bruce 13. Garry Shandling 14. Bill Cosby 15. Andrew Dice Clay 16. Robin Williams 17. Paul Mooney 18. Bill Maher 19. David Brenner 20. Steven Wright Third 10 21. Ray Romano 22. Ellen DeGeneres 23. Jon Stewart 24. Brian Regan 25. Larry Miller 26. David Cross 27. Martin Lawrence 28. Louis C.K. 29. Patton Oswalt 30. Jim Norton
Dice considerably too high. Larry Miller and Ellen too low. DeGeneres' HBO specials have been inspired.
Three guys have to make any top 30, should actually be pushing the top 10. 1. Lewis Black 2. Eddie Izzard 3. Billy Crystal