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"Getting out of the business" resource thread

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by playthrough, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. www.petersons.com

    A very good comprehensive look at graduate schools broken down by areas of study and/or region, private/public, etc. A wealth of information. Sure helped me when I went off to grad school to change careers. Lots of good stuff.
  2. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    Here's the Public Relations Society of America job site: http://jobs.prsa.org/c/search.cfm?site_id=2170

    If nothing else, scan the jobs. Look at what they're asking for in terms of work experience and compare and contrast your skills. Also you can get a sense of the kinds jobs that are out there.

    (hint: leave every search criteria on "all")
  3. captzulu

    captzulu Member

    A former journalist writes about job-hunting lessons he learned in leaving newspapers, also with links to other resources and job boards:

  4. crimsonace

    crimsonace Well-Known Member

    Any interest in education, you can PM me (IIRC, 93Devil is also involved in education).
  5. Here are some other good law school resources: http://www.lawschooldiscussion.org and http://www.lawschoolnumbers.com.
  6. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    While I'm seriously thinking about changing careers, at this point I have yet to zero in on anything specific.
    When I'm re-writing my resume, what's a good thing to put under "objective" that could be used for several different careers that could use the skills I currently have?
  7. Also http://www.top-law-schools.com - better than lawschooldiscussion, IMO.
  8. Cadet

    Cadet Guest

    Why bother putting "objective" at all?

    Objective: To get a job.

    That's what everyone's resume should say, because that is the basic truth. Let your education and experience speak for itself. If you need to explain a desire to change careers or go a different direction, do so in your cover letter.
  9. part-timer

    part-timer Active Member

    Ditto here as I went through an alternate route program and have some experience in all the hoops you may need to jump through.
  10. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    i'm not as smart as waylon ( ;) :D). but i graduated from a second-tier law school and now i'm a lawyer. so if you're headed to a second- or lower-tier law school and want to discuss, PM me. there is a huge difference between how the upper crust (top 20 schools) live and how the rest of us live.
  11. :)

    And FYI, top-law-schools.com has plenty of advice for how the rest of you live ;)

    The LSAT threads on there are very, very helpful, as are the threads about the business (I would say that law is second only to us in terms of online angst/venting). You just have to be able to tolerate a certain amount of 21-year-old snark and horniness (word?) to glean the benefits.
  12. I recommend "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. Earlier this year, I attended a weekly class on this book. When my paper recently offered a buyout, the book really helped prepare me to answer the question: What do I really want to do? What's standing in the way? How do I gather the resources to make it happen?

    Feel free to PM me for more info.
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