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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    she's ba-ack!
  2. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    God, this show just gets better and better. "Imagine" tonight was just gorgeous. You could have heard a pin drop in the house when that was on. A true goosebump moment. Best musical number on TV since Studio 60 had the New Orleans choir in for the Christmas show in 2006.

    It's almost impossible to be as gloriously politically incorrect (terrible grammar, I know) yet also deliver moments of heartwarming sincerity in which you can't decide if you should smile or cry or both. Yet this show does it, every goddamn week.

    Only two episodes left this fall, but the good news is the first half of the season will be released on DVD Dec. 29: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/releases/Glee-Volume-Release/9427 I am so buying that and watching it New Years Eve.
  3. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I'm a big fan of Britney, the blonde cheerleader friend of Quinn - she only gets one to three lines a show, but they're always subtly funny. "I think that's a male duck."

    I didn't find this week's episode as compelling as last week's, but I thought last week's, with Quinn's parents throwing her out of the house, was the best of the season. I definitely agree with DanOregon though - This and Modern Family are the only two "must watch" new shows I have this season.
  4. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    I'm glad I'm not alone on Brit. I think she is so adorable, and despite coming off as a mean girl in the first two episodes, she seems to be transforming into a good girl who is friends with everyone in the glee club.
    I'm a big fan of Brit.
  5. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    "Shared" the show with the family over Thanksgiving. My folks said they'd tried it and just not "gotten" it. Enjoyed Wednesdays show, but there was a lot of chit chat and stuff going on in the room. Then they did the "Imagine" number and the room went silent. That number killed. Beautiful stuff. Liked the True Colors at the end as well. The lines about Rachel dressing like my grandma AND a toddler at the same time made me laugh.
  6. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    I nearly cried when I saw Imagine. I now understand why so many of the actors were touched.

    and it's about damn time they gave Tina a solo that she didn't botch. True Colors was gorgeous.

    The bad news is - they haven't filmed any of the back nine, so we get two more eps and then...NOTHING until April. Thanks, Fox. Thanks a lot.
  7. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Way to ruin my whole weekend with a quintuple bogey on the 18th hole. Man, is there anything Fox CAN'T fuck up? You'd think they'd want some eps in the can, at least for February sweeps.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I think Fox will find a way to fill two or three nights of programming between now and then with American Idol gong show episodes. Didn't realize it until last year, but there are more hours devoted to the auditions than to the actual final competiton.
    It's too bad because I think Glee is one of those shows really gaining some steam as the season goes on.
  9. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Yeah but imagine the wham bam pow impact of Idol followed by Glee for three or four weeks in February. Go two hours on Tuesday with audition crap and then one hour on Wednesday with Glee ending the night. Would open the show to an even bigger audience and probably give Fox a huge advantage in the overall sweeps race. Morans.
  10. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    People would also be exposed to the difference between professionally trained singers and the amateur hour of AI.
    I agree it's lame, but I've got to think if not for AI, a show like Glee doesn't make it to air, so I'll live with it, even if it sucks.
    I heard each episode of Glee takes twice as long to shoot (let alone prepare) as a typical show, so maybe they need the lag time. Plus, they've been doing a lot of promotional appearances for the cast album.
  11. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Well, it's moving to Tuesday night. It'll be the 9 p.m. show once AI goes from two hours down to an hour.

    I hate this because it's a perfect Wednesday show. Not just because it's hump day (and there are several hump-able guys in the cast) but because I almost never have games or anything to do on Wednesday nights until I go in to design, and it's not a big deal if I go in after 10.

    Bah. Fox, you SUCK.

    and Dan, I totally understand that part. With the dance and music rehearsals for the sheer amount of stuff they put out and THEN learning lines and doing rehearsals for just the acting portion and blending them together? Yikes. It's definitely adventurous.
  12. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I actually like Glee moving to Tuesday, since right now, I don't watch anything on Tuesday. At least it's not going to Thursday...
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