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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    That was an intense episode. I can't wait for next week's Fall Finale.
  2. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Holy CRAP what an episode.

    Terri finally gets called on her shit and Will loses his.
    Jump + Mattresses = WIN
    Smile makes me cry every time.

    And the preview for next week looks epic.
  3. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    I actually think the way Fox is handling Glee is ingenious. They released the Pilot episode early to create buzz for a show that is unorthodox. Now they've had a great first half of the season and they're releasing it on DVD. The people who love the show will buy the DVD and show it to their friends and when the show comes back in the spring there will be a larger buzz for it. It's one of the few times Fox has been intelligent about the way it's marketing a show.
  4. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Let's not confuse stumbling into a goldmine with foresight on the part of Fox. I see what Dan Oregon is saying re: following amateur hour with the real things, but Glee airing in Feb would probably seal sweeps for Fox. Had they known this was going to be a big hit, I'm sure they would have pressured the writers and the cast to churn out 18 episodes by March. The next time a network cares about overworking writers will be the first.
  5. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    I disagree. Everything they've done seems to be planned. This wasn't the type of show they could just throw on and hope to draw a large enough audience right away. I agree with you that it would be awesome for it to be back earlier, but I think this has been well thought out so far.
  6. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    Having worked in television research for Fox for about three years, I can tell you that Glee was unlike any other show that Fox massaged in their programming strategy. They believed they had the best new program on television when they saw the pilot episode. Everybody did. That's why they pulled the stunt of airing the original episode after Idol last spring. I have seen so many shows come and go, even in the short time I was there...Fox is actually extraordinarily smart about scheduling. They were really the first network to start an entire cycle of new programming in January with American Idol and 24. Glee is considered just as important as House or 24. We may disagree with their scheduling decisions for Glee, but this was not a case of stumbling on a goldmine. They knew from day one what they had on their hands...and the advertising money they could ask for with a smart show like this...
  7. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Sue Sylvester is the best villain on TV right now.

    This show rules, but I've missed a few. Is it on Hulu? Fox's site?
  8. Care Bear

    Care Bear Guest

    It's definitely on Hulu. Can't remember if it's on Fox's website or not...
  9. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Sorry. Bitch BYH wrote that post. His jaw just fell off. :D :D
  10. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    It's on both. I have friends without cable that I've gotten addicted to this show. You might have to wait a day or so to see it though.
  11. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I must say I was caught off guard with the big reveal tonight. Figured it would play out over the season. A little light on the singing tonight, but enjoyed the "Jump" number. Agree on the Sue Sylvester character. "I had my tear ducts removed, I wasn't using them."
  12. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I actually loved the big reveal, because I hate when these things drag out forever. I'm also curious to see if they make one season = one school year, or something to that effect. If I recall correctly, Rachel is a sophomore, but I think Quinn and several of the others are seniors. If you figure that the all-world Glee competition is at the end of the season, then you either have to have the second season over the rest of the school year and during summer vacation, follow some of the people to college glee club, or simply let some of the cast members "graduate" off the show.
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