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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    The most magical moment of TV I can recall was "Imagine" a couple weeks ago.

    I'm sure I mentioned that when it happened, but Tebow, that was just gorgeous and perfect.
  2. BRoth

    BRoth Member

    I was not a fan of High School Musical because I'm not a tween girl, but I was very impressed with what it did to teens - male and female - when it came to interest in music. Whenever it was the last movie came out I did a story about the local middle school performing the stage production of HSM and it was amazing how many kids admitted to never wanting to do anything music-related, but loved High School Musical so they wanted to be a part of it. Lots of first-timers.

    I hope that this show is able to do something similar, if only because performing groups in high school need funding and interest - as evidenced by the show. Hopefully it will encourage some kids to find a new hobby or passion.
  3. MN Matt

    MN Matt Member

    I heard "If that were true then Santa and I would be dating". I had to play it back a few times, but I swear that's what she said.
  4. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    She still steals every scene that she actually speaks in. I really hope she gets her own episode at some point, since everyone else on the show you kind of know at least something about. Like her snotty cheerleader friend has sex with Puck, the Asian's speech impediment is fake, the dancer kid doesn't ever speak, etc.
  5. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Nope, it was Santana, hence the awkwardness and the knowledge of Santana's penchant for sexting. :p

    I saw the HSM movies when they came out on Disney/in movie theaters (even though I hear they're making a fourth one with none of the original cast members. No Lucas Grabeel = no Wenders.) and one of my only gripes was it was a little too pop-y for my tastes, too Disney-fied and in the second one, the music and video was completely out of sync.

    However, if it helps get people into music programs in high school and gets people back interested in the arts, I'm all for it. I did musicals and Dinner Theater and All-School Play and every choir that I could work into my schedule and nearly had a coronary and had to go and throw a shit-fit at a school-board meeting because they were actually thinking about cutting funding for the arts programs to make room for sixth-grade sports in the school district's budget.

    My opinion? Sixth-graders DO NOT NEED sports. But for those of us who are athletically challenged and don't like waking up at 5 a.m. for basketball practices in December, but get something out of performing on stage, it was the end. There were a lot of people that told the school board in no uncertain terms that it was unacceptable and eventually, they dropped it or found funding elsewhere. And the musical at my high school sold out both performances my last two years there and was in the black in funding.

    There are more of us who aren't necessarily athletically gifted, but can sing and waltz and actually get a kick out of this stuff. (And trust me, there were a lot of INCREDIBLY talented people at my high school) The more interest shows like this can generate in the arts programs, the better off they'll be for the future.
  6. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    This is off-topic, but I thought if anyone would think it's cool, it would be the Glee/theater people.

    My friend, who's an actor and looks similar to Taylor Laudner, has been cast in a few Twilight parodies of late. Well the latest one is for a promo for a VH1 awards show. The host of the show is Kristin Chenoweth and in the promo she's going to be playing the role of Kristen Stewart. So my friend gets to spend this Monday acting opposite of, and hanging out with, Kristin Chenoweth. I don't think I've ever been so jealous of someone else.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I love that chick. I can understand how Aaron Sorkin got so screwed up dating her. She's worth it.
    I watched "Deck The Halls" last night - easily one of the worst Christmas movies ever, yet, made bearable because Chenowith was in it.
  8. ripple

    ripple Member

    I'm going to deviate from the norm and say I was very disappointed in the finale.

    To me, it was as if they said "fuck putting any thought into anything, let's just make sure they tune in next season, which is the same thing but WAY bigger."

    I love glee, I really do, but that was a disappointment.
  9. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Ahem, it's Lautner :D
  10. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    and you thought that made sense?
  11. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    I know every post I have on this thread somehow mentions my love of Brittany, so I figured why not one more.


    That is all.
  12. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Puck singing about Glee.
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