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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    The Lost stuff makes me wonder how they'll eventually wrap this thing up. I like that they're slowing down the aging process - Rachel and I guess most of the cast will only be juniors next year.
    Figure they lose the big singoff this year. Win next year. Advance to nationals, where they lose. Then win nationals and we're done after five years (when most series contracts are up for renegotiation).
    Maybe Quinn will have her kid by then.
  2. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I like the plan you lay out, Dan. You figure Quinn will be prominently involved in storylines next year, so I don't mind that she hasn't been involved that much in the second half of this first season. I also imagine there will be more about the relationship between Rachel and her mom, and between Kurt and Finn's parents.

    One thing I'd like to see them do is to give the "popular" kids each of their own episodes. For example, in the first season we had some out-of-the-main-story episodes about Artie, Tina and Mercedes. Brittany steals a scene every time she talks, so I'd definitely want to see her have her own episode, and the same goes with Santana, who I'm secretly also very in love with. Puck also deserves a bit more, and now that they have (at least) three seasons to work with, I hope they continue to focus on the supporting characters as opposed to making every episode about Rachel, Will or Finn.
  3. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    She's going to have her kid in the season finale.
  4. blueview

    blueview Member

    Tonight's ode to Lady Gaga is kind of brutal.
  5. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    I thought the episode was pretty damn good. After a weaker first four episodes of this half-season, I've thought the past three have been really well-done. Tonight's speech by Kurt's dad to Finn was fantastic.
  6. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Damn right. I hadn't gotten back on the Glee train while Lost was still airing, so tonight was my first night back. So, I'm rewarded by that scene and Idina singing. Okay, I'm hooked again.
  7. cougargirl

    cougargirl Active Member

    The Gaga songs didn't have the oomph I expected, but I LOVED Idina Menzel. Definitely a sound message tonight ... delivered no better than when Finn showed up in a vinyl red dress.
  8. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    One complaint: They could have chosen a better song for the duet. "Poker Face" was alright, but perhaps they should have ditched the Gaga theme at that point and done something else.
  9. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Someone mentioned it a page or two ago, but it deserves to be said again: The scenes with Kurt and the Rick are in fact the best thing about the show. Tonight's monologue by the Rick was incredible. Every time Kurt begins to think his Dad doesn't love or get him, he comes thru for him. The Rick was pretty good on that short-lived Christian Slater show ("My Own Worst Enemy," I think), but he's Emmy-worthy here.

    "Place looks great."

    Phenomenally awesome line of the night: Finn to Kurt: "Why can't you accept I'm not like you?"
  10. budcrew08

    budcrew08 Active Member

    I said the same thing. Mike o'Malley deserves some kind of award for his performance.
  11. Babyjay

    Babyjay Member

    I wonder if he could be up for a guest actor Emmy, or if there's a limit on how many times you can appear before you're considered a regular?
  12. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    I don't know - hate to be the contrarian here. I love "the Rick" in the show but I thought kicking Finn out was over the top. Finn's 16 and one of the reasons the Rick likes him so much is the Rick was Finn when he was 16. So you jump his ass and lecture him and move on.

    I hope if the Rick tries to apologize, Finn tells him to fuck off.

    I still enjoy the show but I'm glad I discovered it during the first half of the season. If I'd picked it up with these new episodes, I don't think my reaction would be the same. Not sure I can put my finger on why.

    Oh, and BYH? Welcome back. You beat Strasburg back to the major leagues (or TO the major leagues in his case).
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