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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I read that the Beezlebubs out of Tufts are doing all the Dalton Academy stuff with (I guess) Darren Criss doing the lead. The Beezlebubs finished second in the Sing-Off last year on NBC. I heard the auto-tune as well, but I don't mind. Amazing that Teenage Dream might end up being the top Glee I-Tune download.
  2. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    I think I watch this show differently than most of you, being a singer. I watch this the way y'all watch "Everybody loves Raymond" or "My Boys". I want to see my craft presented honestly and this is as far from that as you can get.
  3. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Agreed. There are a lot of people who don't like Lea getting so many solos but you can tell that that is actually her singing. It ain't no computer helping her out.

    Having been in show choir in high school, I love seeing the big group numbers. That's when they're at their best and I've been disappointed at how few true group numbers the core group has had this year. We had Empire State of Mind (which was pop-rap crap), Toxic (the scene was disturbing), One of Us (shortened) and Time Warp, if you don't count the boys-girls mash-ups this last week as a full group number. My favorite songs last year -- Somebody to Love, Like a Prayer, Don't Stop Believin' -- mostly were the group numbers and we just haven't had those magical awesome numbers that we did last year. I think they're trying too hard to sing current songs (probably because they think they'll sell better on iTunes) instead of playing to their strengths.

    And, from what I've seen online, there are no true group numbers in the Sectionals episode either. GRRR. Isn't the point of show choir to SING TOGETHER?!
  4. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    1. The Glee cast should stop rapping.

    2. I also miss the big group numbers.

    3. I'd like to hear Dianna Agron sing more.
  5. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

  6. Babyjay

    Babyjay Member

    I miss the classics and show tunes.

    HC and DanO, what does auto-tune sound like?
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    If you are familiar with "Do You Believe in Love?" by Cher or Blame it on the Alcohol by Jamie Foxx - you have heard auto-tune.
  8. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    For anyone who cares - the Mad Magazine with the Glee parody in it is on the newstands. It's okay.
  9. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    It's "Do you believe in life after love?"... I mean, um, that's what I've heard.
  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I finally got caught up on Glee - I had missed the Rocky Horror episode and this past week's because I've been crazy busy with a new job, not because of any loss of love for the show. (And as an off-topic aside to the Maury discussion, let me just say that GSN's Baggage is officially the greatest "watch in the background" show. It's worth hunting out, and I have like 40 half-hour episodes on my DVR.)

    I liked the Rocky Horror episode a lot - The songs are cheesy, but entertaining, and I've never seen the movie. I wasn't so crazy about yet more Will and Emma stuff; I think the ship has really sailed on that, and the sooner they get Will involved with a new lady he actually has a relationship with, the better. It's a bit fatiguing to see him as either an over the top nice guy (this past week with Beast) or on the other extreme, trying to break up Emma and effing everything that moves.

    I thought this past week's episode was needed for two obvious reasons - to develop Puck and Kurt's characters. I was actually surprised there wasn't more talk about Puck here, because you know, he's awesome. I liked all of his scenes with Artie, and also, Artie with Brittany. They telegraphed the Kurt thing once he was alone in the locker room with that kid, and the whole thing made me cringe a bit, but I think you needed to have Kurt involved in some sort of storyline that actually explores his sexuality and place at the school.
  11. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    OK, I ain't digging this one too much. We got an emergency warning in the middle of it - what was the exchange between Kurt and the football player who kissed him last week?
  12. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Someone else in my Glee community had the exact same problem. Basically, Karofsky came up to him, accused Kurt of kissing HIM and then said if he said anything, he would kill him.

    The songs were sucky, except Make 'Em Laugh. I want a ND number with the KIDS singing lead and the adults sitting in the audience.

    Didn't really want the Gwyneth show. Am ready for next week -- Burt/Carole getting married AND Carol Burnett?! YES. PLEASE. NOW.

    EDITED because I keep wanting to put an extra E in Carol Burnett's name.
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