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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Don't understand the hype on the latest episode. Yeah, Gwyneth can sing, but she doesn't have a good or strong enough voice to be classified as a "singer."
    It was all over the place, which I like, but the songs weren't good enough to make up for all the wheel spinning.
  2. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member


    I've got a very strong suspicion that Gwyneth's entire reason for being on the show was to help promote her movie coming out in January -- Country Strong, where she plays a has-been country singer trying to get back into the spotlight.

    I usually don't mind it too much when they bring guest stars in, but I'd like them to be of the caliber of Idina, Chenoweth and Neil Patrick Harris.

    Also, some of my favorite numbers from S1 were by Vocal Adrenaline. I don't quite think the Warblers are up to that level (definitely not production-wise). I know we'll get back to them after Sectionals, since Charice still has a big chunk of her contract to play out, but I can't help wanting some more Jonathan Groff. :D
  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I do worry that Glee might be catching "Will and Grace-itis" - bringing on guest stars just for the sake of guest stars. With next week being a wedding episode featuring Carol Burnett, it makes me wonder when they'll get back to the Glee club.
    Of course, the guest stars might be helping fill in while the cast learns choreography etc. It can't be easy to learn one or two new numbers a week.
  4. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    They had about a month or two off this summer, where some went to Europe and shot movies (Cory Monteith), some did albums (Matthew Morrison, Mark Salling). Then July 1, they were right back in LA, learning new songs, choreography, shooting episodes, etc. They pretty much work 15-18 hour days when they're shooting. It's something that I really think sets Glee apart from other shows, because they have so many extra elements from a traditional sitcom.

    I'm excited for Carol Burnett but the following week is the Sectionals episode. From the spoilers I've seen, there isn't a full New Directions number in that either. Maybe they figure that doing small solos and group numbers makes it easier on everyone? I don't know.
  5. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    But I think unlike other shows, the cast is learning songs and dance moves more than a week or two out of shooting. Most TV shows they get the script on Monday, rehearse Tues-Thursday (if it's shot live) and shoot on Friday. Dramas are shot scene by scene Monday through Friday, then they start over again on Monday.
  6. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Seriously. When did The Rick become such a good actor?
  7. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    Sometimes, Lea Michele makes very strange faces.
  8. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Remind me again, who's the adorable Warbler? Can we fix him up with Rachel?

    Loved the Evita moment even though Rachel and Kurt's mouths were moving two beats behind the sound.
  9. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Adorable Warbler is Blaine, played by Darren Criss. He's gay for the purposes of the show, btw.

    No one in their right mind would put Quinn and Sam for the top number. Their voices are too thin. You don't go into a competition without your top people at the helm. At least give something to Mercedes. The only reason they tied was because New Directions actually had choreography.

    Here's my speculation on that: she's a stage actress, so she's so used to having to emote and make big huge faces, otherwise the crowd in the back would never see her. I'm guessing she's still not used to bringing it back down since the camera is RIGHTTHERE and can see everything.
  10. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    I agree with you on all counts. I do really like Dianna Agron's voice, but am not particularly enamored of Chord Overstreet's.

    But Lea's facial expressions really sort of weird me out.
  11. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Any plotline that gives someone besides Lea Michele a signature song is a plotline I like.

    She might be the most talented, but it was much more interesting to see others grab the spotlight.
  12. podunk press

    podunk press Active Member

    I really love Brittany and Artie as a couple. They are great together. The "magic comb" stuff was hilarious, particularly when she said she lost it at "Motocross practice."

    Meanwhile, Rachel and Finn break up, and I find myself not giving a shit. It's startling how much more interesting the support characters are.
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