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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Agree on both counts. I feel the same way about Will and Emma too - I honestly don't give a shit that she isn't with Will, since they've gone to the well way too many times on that whole storyline.
  2. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    hey, it comes naturally for people with, you know, very strange faces.

    i have found few other 'popular' actors who annoy me nearly as much as lea does. wish she'd do us a favor and stick to musical theatre...
  3. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    well, that and that's the way the script was written
  4. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    So how long before Curt is back? Next week (the Christmas show)? Later? I thought it would be a bit longer before he figured out he fit in better at his old school.
  5. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I had five episodes on my DVR. Had pretty much forgotten about the show until BYH asked if I was watching it. I've worked my way through all five (from Rocky Horror on) and realized I am pretty much over this show officially.

    It makes me sad. I REALLY loved this show when it first started.
  6. ^^ this. Signs you are officially moving on from a show

    1. you notice that you are at your five show maximum on the dvr, gotta get watching. Sit down, hey, Human Target and Chuck are on there, gotta watch them first.
    2. you start thinking that you will have to catch a show or two online to catch up because two more shows have passed. Again, shrug shoulders.
    3. You just finally delete it from the DVR schedule.

    Grey's anatomy and private practice fell victim to this. Glee is next.
  7. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    The weekly nitpicking of Glee bugs me more than it does with most shows, and I wouldn't even consider myself a huge Glee fan. I'm not sure why that is, since I nitpick the shit out of other shows, both good and bad. It just seems strange that people want Glee to be personalized to their own desires each week.

    I thought the meta commentary between Emma and Will at the beginning of this episode was interesting. "You always do the same thing!" And yet, Glee can't seem to please its many masters no matter what it does. We have people here who get annoyed when it's too formulaic, and people who get annoyed when they don't focus on the most talented members of the cast. Some people hate autotuning, others dislike Broadway tunes, some want more Broadway stuff, a few are offended by one week of religion talk, some want more Sue, less Will, more snark, more character development, feel it's too contrived, or too commercial, others want more recognizable songs, most people say NO MORE RAPPING!, a handful say more group numbers, more solos, more Quinn, less Quinn, etc, etc.

    Does anyone here actually like this show anymore?

    (Besides BYH, who thinks it's the great show he's ever watched while gently caressing himself?)

    The mere fact that Shotty believes it would somehow be a better show without Rachel is just baffling to me. Even if you find Lea Michelle annoying -- or if you're like Deeper_Background, you find her insufficient masturbation fodder -- I'm not sure how you can argue the show would work without her.
  8. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Well, it's certainly not as good as The Wire.

    Oh, and more Santana, please.
  9. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I endorse this. Also, anything that involves Heather Morris dancing.

    But I also feel like if I don't get these things ... eh. There are 23 episodes in a season. It's sort of like David Simon used to say about Homicide. Every episode can't be Andre Braugher breaking down the criminals in the box and getting a confession, even if that's what people want.
  10. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Which was my view on Lost, that I wasn't going to get everything I wanted, so I needed to learn to live with that. Shows can't please everyone every week.

    A couple of weeks ago, I had fallen completely from Glee. Still haven't seen the Rocky Horror one. Didn't like the back-to-back stunt casting of Paltrow and Burnett. Am way past finding the songs boring and predictable. I mute the TV for most of them. They're done in the studio anyway, so I'm just watching lip synching. If I'm interested in the full version, I pull it up on YouTube.

    Burnett's duet with Jane Lynch last week put me to sleep, and the line that followed it, with Burnett snark about how it wasn't very good? Saw that coming a mile away.

    But the plotlines and the character interactions, when entertaining like they were last night, keep me coming back. Someone (OK, TWO someones, if you count Puck) slaps down Rachel and makes her cry? Glee, I will see you next week, with bells on.
  11. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    My biggest problem with this season is I think the writers and producers are trying way too hard to please everyone and they're ending up not pleasing many people. They've gotten way away from what made the show really special and it started way back in the first season. After it became a success and they picked it up for two extra seasons and artists started lining up to either be on the show or have their music on the show, it was like they were inundated and had no idea what to do. Instead of doing all of the tribute episodes, they should try to strive for a little continuity and tell the story.

    I belong to another Glee community and we nitpick about it all the time. Story continuity (or a lack thereof) is a big running joke over there. But it basically doesn't have the feeling at all of the show that so many fell in love with anymore.
  12. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    I'll admit, the last couple weeks haven't been great. Gwyneth Paltrow is horrendous--utterly horrendous. Wooden and cold and I don't know how she ever won an Oscar, and the concept of someone born to Hollywood royalty turning into a country singer sounds like performance art so off-the-charts idiotic that even James Franco wouldn't think of it. And last night was just kind of meh. But it still brings moments of inspiration every week--the Dirty Dancing homage was great last night--and is still infinitely better than 80 percent of the shit out there.

    The problem with Glee was its out-of-the-box success. It set the bar almost immeasurably high, which is a tough situation to be in giving America's general need to declare that something cool or popular actually sucks.

    Also, there's nothing gentle about the caressing I do to images of Lea Michele.
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