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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    Lame, limp versions of Britney Spears' B-material didn't reassert your love for Glee?

    Like I said, the NYC stuff has some potential and could end up being a short-lived spinoff. The high school stuff, no thanks.

    Character-wise, a show that has always relied on stereotypes certainly gave Rachel an easy boytoy choice in "Brody." Two weeks in NYC, and she's already looking to break up with hometown boyfriend. Wish I could say that's not true to life.

    It's no surprise that a girl from Ohio would so quickly find a better option than her hometown boyfriend in NYC, but they're hitting us over the head with this so much that it's almost feasible that they stay together so the writers can call it a "twist!" and act like they've been putting actual thought into the show.
  2. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I think the obvious angle this year would be to not even have them get past regionals, or whatever that first rung of competition is. I mean, as much as the show is allegedly about a group of misfits and castoffs, they pretty much never have dealt with failure on the show. At least, as someone watching the show, it's hard to feel that upset about some rinky dink glee club from Ohio making it to nationals, even if they lost one year.
  3. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    I don't think they've put actual thought in the show since the end of the first season.

    This was pointed out to me and I agree: the Jake/Marley/new bitchy Cheerio is going to be Finn/Rachel/Quinn redux from the first two seasons. Again.
  4. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    That's the problem.

    The first season was so wall-to-wall good, we keep coming back, seeking those moments again. And they're long gone.

    When Schuester gave the "Let's do Britney again!" speech, the show had crossed into the "Grey's Anatomy after Meredith fell off the dock" and "Gilmore Girls Season 7" territory: the actors don't believe in the material anymore, and they're now just collecting a paycheck until the run mercifully ends.

    Thought this show was one I'm committed and will see it through. Rather, it's like Heroes got for me after the first season, where I just hate watched because that was much more fun that having actual expectations.
  5. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    The thing that kept me coming back to Glee was the music. Even when the plot was ridiculous, lagged or you could tell the actors didn't care, the music was still good enough to keep me wanting to watch.

    I haven't heard one song through the first two episodes where I went, "I must buy this on iTunes immediately." They're all just meh. I know they're touting new chica as the second coming of Lea Michele, but listen to them singing "New York State of Mind." There's such a sizable gap that it's laughable. I actually can't believe that they had them sing the same song, because all it did was illustrate how amazing Lea Michele's voice is and how bland new girl's is.

    However, everyone knows that as long as they keep selling music on iTunes, the show will go on. Maybe that's why there's only one song that has been done so far this year that is more than 15 years old.
  6. RubberSoul1979

    RubberSoul1979 Active Member

    This has dragged on far too long.
  7. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    This. Gets. Old.

    Turn off the set if you don't like it.
  8. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Finally got around to watching the first episode of the season. I hated it, but I'm trying to be fair because the previous seasons sometimes started slow before they found a storyline that worked (and was quickly abandoned for eight more, but still).

    I just kept feeling like I was watching Glee: The New Class mixed in with a few segments of Glee: The College Years. With Kate Hudson instead of Bob Golic.
  9. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    heh, Definitely agree with your second paragraph. I think the show would be better if they just ditched Rachel completely and focused on new ideas.

    I still don't think this show is as bad as Heroes was at the end. The arc is similar, but maybe I'm just more forgiving of Glee because 1) I don't really watch any other musical shows like The Voice or American Idol or 2) the afterschool special nature of the episodes doesn't bug me as much. Yes, it's wicked sugary and sweet so far, but I don't mind 45 minutes of that a week.

    Tangent: The Anna Kendrick show choir movie that they showed ads for looks interesting to me, but at the same time, why bother? It basically looks like PG-13 Glee. I'm guessing that's why it's getting buried at the end of summer / beginning of fall.
  10. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    The only time the show feels even a bit fresh for me is the Rachel storyline.
  11. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    If you want the singing newcomer struggling in New York meme though, wouldn't you already be watching that show on NBC?
  12. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    I really hope that I'm not the only person on here that it bugs...but a HS graduate fresh off the bus from Ohio does not get a fucking job/internship/whatever at Vogue.

    Looks like next week, Glee is axing every single remaining long-term relationship on the show. That'll make the shippers good and pissed off.
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