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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DanOregon, May 20, 2009.

  1. Ladyfriend wants to see it. I was going to pass, then I remembered Anna Kendrick was in it, and THEN if there's even one acapella song that's good, it'll be worth it.

    So I guess I'm in
  2. Big Circus

    Big Circus Well-Known Member

    Never mind that. When Sarah Jessica Parker started relying on Kurt for her ideas, I turned to my wife and said, "He's been working there for, what, 20 minutes?"
  3. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    This episode is not good so far.

    - Everyone is traveling at warp speed. From Ohio to NYC and back in less than a commercial break. Maybe they're using those ships from Pirates of the Caribbean.
    - The NYC scenes weren't enough. There was no emotional resonance whatsoever in sequences that caused Murphy to call this "the best episode we've ever done."
    - Great rendition of Teenage Dream.
    - Finn is a moron, and yet, not. Wonder if his secret is that he got some girl pregnant.
    - That last one might make no sense. Admittedly, Glee is background noise while I work right now.
    - Wow, 18-year-olds can't handle distance in their relationships, and do stoopid things? Film at eleven.
    - Finn is in NYC. Wait! Now he's in Ohio! How in the hell did he pay for that trip?
    - Again, I would watch a NYC_based spinoff. But if they dragged Finn back to Ohio just so he can be involved in the club back there . . .
    - Santana. That makes this OK.
    - Wow, now Rachel has teleported to Lima. WHY could this not have all happened in NYC? Did they only have so much NYC budget, and needed to get back to Long Beach's Cabrillo high?
    - Lea Michele and the dude who plays Blaine have both been solid. Finn's acting chops match his thin voice.
    - It's not surprising that Finn would feel inferior in the face of the new situation. That at least rings true.
    - Wow, Finn and Rachel break up. They totally didn't telegraph this at all.

    And . . . that's the end.

    Wasn't anything special.
  4. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    It felt very disjointed because of all of the characters moving around from one state to another. I still am not 100 percent positive if Kurt and Blaine really did break up because that was much more ambiguous than the other two, where there was a final "this is done, we're breaking up" conversation.

    That being said, I thought the songs from this week's episode were better than the last three weeks combined.
  5. Norrin Radd

    Norrin Radd New Member

    The songs were almost universally great. Amazing how much better "Don't Speak" sounds when it isn't being sung by someone whose main vocal characteristic is sounding like they have a stuffy nose.

    Agree that it was disjointed. They had one argument in new York City, and then these teenagers are going to just travel back to Ohio? Just so they could do some contrived "This is where we MET!!!!" scene?
  6. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I'm on a Glee click right now. I got caught up on the current season and went back and watched some Season 1 on Netflix.

    I do this every season. I declare it's awful and unwatchable in the first few episodes, then end up deciding I'm okay with it by the middle of the season. I mean, I'm stiill just watching because I'm an old perv who likes watching 25-year-olds dress up and act like slutty teenagers, but it's a good show too.

    Thoughts on the current season, just sort of randomly flowing:

    The new characters have grown on me. I still think of them in terms of the old ones. New Rachel and New Quinn are OK. New Rachel is more likable than the old one, New Quinn is more believable as a bitchy manipulative cheerleader.

    New Finn and New Puck are better than the originals. But I'm still not going to call them by their names, because Ryder Lynn is such a freaking awful name.

    I like where Finn's story is going. They've been setting him up to realize his calling in life is to be a teacher (New Mr. Shue, I guess) for awhile now, and it's rare to see Glee execute a long, slow burning plot so well. The trigger for his feud with Sue (and the excuse to turn Sue mean again) was very well done. It's moments like that where I start to think this can be a really great show.

    I know I shouldn't complain about it, because it is what it is and never going to be change, but the heavyhandedness of the after school special Wayne/Unique storyline is just stifling the rest of the show. It's awful.

    I guess we need to see Rachel and Kurt's story resolved, and Finn has a good reason to be back and the occasional Puck phone calls don't hurt anything, but the rest of the old cast can just go away now. I don't need a ridiculous contrivance just to get me an extra 5 minutes of Mike Chang screentime. The new characters and the non-graduated ones are strong enough to need exploring.

    They should have had the balls to send Blaine back to the Warblers, even if just for a few episodes.

    Sorry, Tina, the actress and the character. It's never going to happen. You will never be a central character.

    Favorite perv moment: New Quinn and Marley singing Hero in the superheroine costumes. Dear lord.
  7. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    I'm still watching but am really disappointed with the music. Most of this stuff is produced and autotuned to within an inch of it's life. You really can't tell if the person can even sing at all. And WTF with the 'kiki' song????
  8. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    This. The only two songs I downloaded from the other night were the opening mashup and Quinn's Supremes song. I'm not sure what would EVER possess them to do Gangnam Style, but ugh. Just no.

    Plus, the thing that throws me is the stupid implausible storylines this season. No principal in their right mind would let Finn Hudson be the leader of the Glee club, teacher's certificate needed or not. Same as no Vogue editor would hire a high school graduate with zero experience for a highly coveted internship (and then become best pals with them.) Somehow, I have the feeling that the dyslexia and bulimia storylines are going to be botched badly. I think the two most realistic storylines this season have been Rachel struggling at NYADA and everyone breaking up because long distance is hard. The rest have just been off the tracks bizarre. Add in the fact that the music, which usually is fairly decent, is just so-so, and this season has basically been 80 percent trainwreck.

    And yet, I keep watching. Hoping that it regains some of its former glory. Wondering what low the show will sink to to prompt the network to cancel its best cash cow since American Idol.
  9. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    Implausible storylines and over-produced songs are just now starting to annoy you about Glee? I stopped watching in the middle of season 2 for those reasons. I check back with this thread just because I'm amazed some people still watch.
  10. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Same. Though I did google the Kiki performance because I LOVE Scissor Sisters. It actually wasn't as bad as I'd feared. Except for the unexpected spotting of one Shangela Laquifa Watley at the party ... can that queen please just go away?

    The original, for those of you who don't know the song:
  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Warblers kicked New Directions ass in that sectional, but no way they'd have the balls to write it that way.

    There is definitely a point where you have to accept the show for what it is. There will always be very brief moments of good writing sandwiched around piles and piles of overwritten dreck.
  12. dreunc1542

    dreunc1542 Active Member

    And once I accepted that, I stopped watching. I'll still defend the first season, specifically the first half-season, to death, but other than that, it's brought the criticism on itself.
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