holy shit! i didn't know that. i love this american life! awesome... i'm going to look it up now. thanks man
del, you made my day. it's now on there... i absolutely love podcasting... in march i got a new car stereo that has a direct connect to the ipod (this badboy -- http://www.alpine-usa.com/en/products/product.php?model=CDA-9856) and i got a nano to go along with my big ipod (biggie and smalls) -- the nano is nice, because it's mostly podcasts and about 6 cds worth of music. that way i don't have to scroll through my entire collection to get to what i want... i load it up pretty much daily. it's awesome. lots more podcasts since then
Do you have to pay for that, or is it available to the unwashed masses? ---------- Keeping with my Grauniad theme, their daily NewsDesk podcast is also well worth a listen. http://www.guardian.co.uk/podcasts
Not sure if you can save the shows, but I love listening to www.wefunkradio.com. It's a show out of McGill U. in Montreal. Great mix of hip-hop, funk, soul and, occasionally, blues and jazz.
Glad to help. I don't think it's been up there very long. I never dabbled in the podcast pool until I bought my Nano recently. I didn't think I'd enjoy them as much as I do. I probably have listened to podcast five times more than music on my iPod. Now, if they'd only put more of Whad'ya Know on a podcast than the first five minutes ...
Good recommendations all on the podcasts. I've been using my iPod more and more for them, though I keep it chock full of tunes. My particular must-listens include: _ This American Life _ Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac (a daily 5-minute or so look at which writer has a birthday, some detail on his or her life, along with a random poem_ _ A Prairie Home Companion (not the entire show, just Keillor's weekly letter from home that I find so hilarious and moving) _ SMODCast which is a weekly offering by Kevin Smith (he of Clerks fame) and his producing partner Scott Mosier. It's laugh aloud funny and weird. It's all real-life stuff and the two talk about making films, then and now, life and anything else. _ The Onion Radio News (no explanation needed) _ The Sound of Young America (great weekly show) _ Kasper Hauser (a comedy group with a satirical bent) _ CBC Radio: Dispatches (foreign news from one of the best radio broadcasters around, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) _ BBC's From Our Foreign Correspondent (The be all and end all of radio news) _ Lastly, NPR's Foreign Dispatch. They can all be found on iTunes or as .xml feeds on their respective Web sites for use.
I've found a new one that's interesting, although I've only listened to one and a snippet of another on This American Life. It's called Radio Lab and it's put out by WNYC. Here's their description:
Damn...logged on just to give Harry some love. He uncovers stories that are totally ignored by the main stream media. I'll throw out there ScientificAmerican's weekly podcast. Dude has a strange voice but they cover interesting topics.