<i>Admittedly, I haven't listened to it in months, but mlb.com has this really, long, insufferable podcast hosted by Ed Randall, which is funny once or twice for the unintentional comedy value. He basically spends a half hour fawning over some scout/ex-player, whose name you hadn't thought about in 20 years, making the guy out to be the greatest thing to happen to baseball since Branch Rickey and Jackie Robinson. His build-ups are wofth the download alone: "... a man, who needs no introduction on these airwaves. He has changed the game in innumerable ways, and I for one am humbled to speaking to him. He's a deaer friend, whom I have known since 1975, when we both were scouting the Mexican League together--ah, the good old days--and he's a heck of a guy, too. I welcome to my broadcast..."</i> Ed Randall is rapidly becoming the sports version of Joe Franklin.
If anyone has Chicago roots, Steve Dahl's daily show is available as a podcast: http://www.dahl.com/ There are hundreds of hours archived at the website, too.
I'm a public broadcasting addict. Love the podcasts of NPR/PRI/PBS stuff. — WNYC's Radio Lab. I can't say enough about this show. Guaranteed to blow your mind at least once an episode. At least. — The Diane Rehm Show. Civilized, topical conversation, great interviews with authors in a relaxed format. — Travel with Rick Steves. This guy is a bit of a tool, but it's solid info on travel. — Hmmm.... Krulwich on Science. One of the hosts of Radio Lab's solo offerings. Good stuff. — Another vote for 'This American Life.' You can't get a better hour for free.