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GOP 2012 primaries thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Dick Whitman, May 14, 2011.

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  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    You make a key point on "clock ticking". With hormones running wild, it would be highly doubtful that Palin could handle the rigors of a Presidential campaign.
  2. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    But that would be throwing good money after bad, unless there's a mystery candidate somewhere who is going to have more appeal than Obama. The GOP strategy is going to be to hold down Obama's coattails more than anything else so they can build up their numbers in both houses and prevent him from getting anything done in his second term.
  3. Crash

    Crash Active Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    I'll be completely shocked if Mitt gets anywhere near enough delegates to come close. He's not winning Iowa. He's not winning South Carolina. He's not winning anywhere else in the south. His only hope is to finish second in those primaries, and I don't think that's happening.

    The only praise Mitt has gotten since he got into the race is from Democrats. His health speech was a disaster. The conservative media is against him at both the establishment (WSJ) and "grassroots" (National Review, RedState, etc) level.

    The GOP decided Mitt wasn't going to be the nominee the day 20+ states filed lawsuits against the mandate. And Mitt decided he wasn't going to be the nominee Thursday, when he refused to back down off of it, clinging to a federalist argument not even he believes.
  4. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Time for Mitt to pick up the white courtesy phone.

    National media will pump Newt because it's good for business.

    Only hope for Republicans is if they can get Kristi to jump in race.
  5. Crash

    Crash Active Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    They'll have plenty left over for the state campaigns. The GOP has a favorable map in the Senate and a slightly more-favorable map in the House due to controlling the main redistricting states. It has a very good chance of taking the Senate back, and unless they keep attaching themselves to this stupid ass Ryan budget, it's not going to lose the House.

    Even if the race is virtually unwinnable, those 527s are going to spend a lot of money, even if its only to try to damage Obama before he starts his final term.
  6. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    George HW Bush... 91 percent approval rating following Desert Storm in March 1991. Lost the election in November 1992.

    I'm only saying never say never. I don't want to get into a pissing match with anyone (lol) but there are parts of this agenda I do not want to see enacted. Obama deserves credit for OBL and the raid to bring him down, but in the end it's still the economy, stupid. :)
  7. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    In 1992 Bush ran into a little-known candidate from Arkansas and a late wild-card entrant who drew an astronomical percentage of the vote for a third-party candidate. In the current oversaturation landscape there is not a little-known anyone from anywhere. Polls and circumstances can change, but the pool of candidates is pretty well established, and they are all fairly well known to the populace already.
  8. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Precisely so. Also, too, the problem with this analogy is you have to think either Mitch Daniels or Tim Pawlenty is as good in a campaign as Bill Clinton.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Bin Laden will have nothing to do with this race, not in short-term memory America. If gas is still hovering near $4 a gallon, Obama will face a bit of a challenge in being re-elected. If gas prices drop significantly in the next year-plus, he'll win in a Reagan vs. Mondale-type rout.
  10. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Another 2016 Democrat to watch out for is Brian Schweitzer, the Governor of Montana. He's quite popular (60% approval rating http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/article_fd60c6aa-537d-11e0-947f-001cc4c03286.html), especially for a Democratic governor in a lean-Republican state. Yet he's different enough ideologically from Obama and the east coast/Chicago Democrats that he might still have a shot even if the electorate has Obama fatigue in 2016.
  11. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Yup. Though gas prices go down and people forget about them, so the unemployment number is probably the better index. The economy can beat Obama. The GOP doesn't have anyone who can do it on his or her own.
  12. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    Re: Huckabee won't run

    Someone will still have to convince the voter that he/she can do a better job with the economy than Obama.
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