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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    And, of course, does young Hiro's tough-guy move....pushing his glasses back in place.

    The promos for next week, well, they look like a bunch of fake-outs. Plus, people complain when they are talked about on these threads, so we'll leave all that be.
  2. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Great freaking episode. The "President Sylar" thing floored me, and it was cool to see Peter Petrelli flinging people around like a badass. Only complaint is, it would've been cool to see a little more of the fight between Sylar and Peter. Not much, just a couple minutes.

    So which characters, besides Linderman, were unaccounted for in the future? Micah, D.L. and the shape-shifter were dead, and so was Nathan. We never saw the Invisible man (no pun intended), momma Petrelli or Claire's mom. Anybody else?
  3. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Doc, you can set it to record a few minutes after the show is scheduled to end. It's the networks way of screwing with the TIVO sect. Many times I will just record what is after it as well (especially during football season).

    I do not know if it has been mentioned or not, but I read that they will resolve this conflict (Syler) before next season. Then the Heroes will battle a new villain or adversary.

    Cool show. I do not ever want to see "mean Hiro" again though. "Happy Hiro" is one of my favorite parts of the show.
  4. Jim Tom Pinch

    Jim Tom Pinch Active Member

    Seeing future Peter was like seeing Luke Skywalker in the Jaba scene in Return of the Jedi. When last we'd seen him he was unsure and whiny. Now he's badass.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    D.L. was not dead. I'm betting Micah wasn't, either. D.L. was on the list of people future Hiro asked Bennett to help him find for help, so it's a safe bet he was alive.

    And 93Devil, Parkman took care of "mean Hiro."
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but what is the deal with the scars? Are we to believe he can pull himself back together after being blown up, but he ends up with scars on his face?
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    D.L. was dead, because Sylar had his power at the end, when he yanked Peter through the door. Candace (the shape-shifter) was on the list of people Hiro asked about, too.
    As for Micah, I thought Peter said he was "gone" while arguing with Niki/Jessica?
  8. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    I think all of these future characaters are not going to be seen again because Hiro is going to kill Syler.

    At least I hope he does.
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Duh. I missed that with D.L. Mostly, I was applying my rule from comic books -- if you don't see a body, they ain't dead. That's why I was assuming Micah was alive.
  10. ChrisLittmann

    ChrisLittmann Member

    I was under the impression that Micah was killed by the bomb while Candace and D.L. were Sylar casualties given that he'd absorbed their powers.

    But really, WHAT A GREAT EPISODE!

    Maybe it's just because I was bracing for a down week. I think these diversions from the story can often be lame and cheesy, but this was just outstanding. They've done a great job of not overdoing it with ridiculous fight scenes, so when they finally gave us some action, it felt all the more intense. Watching Parkman and his squad aiming at the elevator, or Future Hiro swiping through people with his sword...wow.
  11. boots

    boots New Member

    I like the show. Too much jumping around though. Last night was nice to see Hiro act like a hero instead of a pussy.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That's the thing. Present-time Hiro is a pussy. He's got the courage to keep putting himself in danger, but when the fighting starts, he's not ready for it. These characters are very human. They fuck up. They fail. Even the "heroes" do bad things. And not all of them become badasses just because they have powers.

    The complete "heel" turn by Parkman was particularly interesting. He was a fuck-up, but a good guy without his powers. We're seeing little-by-little how he is getting pushed in the other direction and now we have seen where he can end up if things don't turn for the better.
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