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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The D.L. thing was real subtle and quick. One of those things where you watch the episode again or think about later and it hits you like "Ooooh...THAT's what that was..."
    That was one of the better, understated parts of this episode was how they dealt with pretty much everybody in one way or another. Even if they didn't actually show them.

    One thought on next season...it wouldn't surprise me if they do a prequel to season one. They hinted in the last episode that Linderman and Momma Petrelli were part of some sort of superteam 15 or 20 years ago. It'd be interesting to see what happened with that, and how it led everyone to where they are now.
    Hell, they ripped off the X-Men with season one, why not Star Wars with season two? ;D
  2. roxraidersfan

    roxraidersfan Member

    Wasn't Candace (the shape shifter) actually the one who Sylar cut open in the NYC apartment?? It looked like Claire transformed into someone else when Patrelli/Sylar went to chopping.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I'm sure this show will continue to rip off X-Men and other comic books liberally for its entire run, but they have done it by mixing up abilities and creating interesting characters that use them.

    Peter Petrelli, as others pointed out here, is very much a Spider-Man type, particularly with so much of his behavior motivated by his sense of responsibility. Even indirectly causing Simone's death just as he was learning to use his powers was similar to Peter Parker's role in his Uncle Ben's death. He didn't pull the trigger, but his arrogance created the situation. He was toying with Isaac, who had a gun, and Simone was accidently shot.

    Of course, his powers are nothing like Spider-Man's, but very much like a former X-Men and Generation X character, Synch, though Synch was killed before he could master his powers like Petrelli has.

    Just about every character shows a power similar to something comic book fans have seen, and some of the plot points are familiar, too. But so far the stories and characters have been extremely well written and that is what makes this show work.
  4. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I missed the last minute or two as well.
    Heroes has done that before, but I also recorded Studio 60 back in the day, so I never missed anything. This may come as a shock, but I'm not watching the Wedding Crashers show.

    I'm a little confused by Parkman's turn, he has powers and his kid, who Bennett was hiding, also has powers. And if Claire was still alive, why would Hiro need to go back in time to save the cheerleader. It's obvious Sylar didn't kill her. Or is it because Sylar can't kill her, but he can cut her open, take her powers and then she can still heal herself.
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Future Hiro was figuring out how to stop the bomb. Saving the cheerleader meant that Sylar wouldn't get her powers and could be killed before the explosion.

    Not sure what that means since apparently Syler didn't go nuke -- it was Peter.
  6. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Fixed. (... and by Donald Rumsfeld, nonetheless.)
    Yep. I'm an asshole. ;D

    At first I thought I wanted to see Peter/Sylar fight, too. But after some thought, the way they did it was perfect. Door was rattling, light flashing, everything shaking, but we don't see it. Any way they would have tried to actually film it would have been a disappointment.
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    But future Hiro doesn't know that. Just saving Claire, however, wasn't enough to stop Sylar. Present Hiro has to go back to kill him. Maybe Sylar creates the situation that leads to Peter exploding. Or maybe the explosion still happens, but without Sylar around to pose as President Petrelli, things don't get as ugly. Remember, at some point during the five-year gap, Sylar's goal changed from accumulating powers to simply wiping out the competition.
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    It also meant that both drawings, the one of Petrelli as President and the other of Sylar as president were right.
    I think that puts an interesting spin on things. And it goes back to Isaac saying he couldn't change the future, or at least I think that's what he said.
  9. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    We're talking about separate, but very similar, timelines here. SamuraiHiro's original timeline had Sylar killing Claire at Homecoming, taking her power, regenerating after being stabbed by Hiro, and blowing up NYC. SamuraiHiro realizes that saving Claire keeps Sylar from becoming invincible and therefore teleports back to meet Peter on the subway. (I think we saw that in episode 4 or 5?), thinking that it's all he needed to do to prevent Manhattan from going kablooey. However, he teleports back to what he thought was his timeline, but is actually Timeline v2.0, where Manhattan still goes kablooey, but it's Peter's fault and gets blamed on Sylar. Because the two "presents" for SamuraiHiro are so similar, he thinks he's failed on his mission. Apparently, the online comics are most helpful for filling in some gaps that each episode can't fill in due to time restrictions.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Alternate timelines make my head hurt.
  11. Key

    Key Well-Known Member

    I agree, alternate timelines can be fun, yet maddening. Every time I start to think things through with last night's episode, I go, "Well, wait that doesn't work."

    Like SamaraiHiro rejoicing that Claire was saved in the past, yet when he confronted Bennett, we realize that Claire has been in hiding. So that means, I think, she was presumed dead. So was FutureHiro's timeline unchanged by Saving the Cheerleader, since Claire never really died to begin with?

    Yeah, my head hurts.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Here's another brainbender. Future Hiro may have taken a bullet for Now Hiro. Because Future Hiro (we'll call him FH, and Now Hiro NH) would have remembered seeing that scenario play out since he, essentially, IS NH. So to save NH and give the world a chance, he stayed between the door and NH and took Parkman's bullet to save...ummm...himself. Because if NH got killed there, FH would also have blinked out of existence.
    Pass the Advil.
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