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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    Okay, let's go over this again. SamuraiHiro's original timeline (Timeline 1.0): Claire is killed by Sylar at Homecoming. Timeline 2.0, which is what SamuraiHiro returns to after his meeting with Peter on the subway (barely seconds before CurrentHiro and Ando show up in the future): Claire survives Homecoming, timeline is altered, but Manhattan gets blowed up anyway. Two separate timelines that still end up going to the same place.

    Make sense? :)
  2. Key

    Key Well-Known Member

    Lisa, that makes sense, sort of.
    It sounds like you're saying that everyone and everything in Timeline 1.0 and Timeline 2.0 are exactly the same except in one Claire is dead and in the other Claire is alive, yet presumed dead. Future Hiro gave no indication that Timeline 2.0 was any different from his original timeline. Nothing else changed; alliances didn't change; decisions hadn't changed. That's a little hard to swallow. (Cue Michael Scott: "that's what she said!")

    I think what I like most about the future timeline episode is seeing those new alliances and how different decisions had changed peoples outlooks - Parkman for example, an idealistic, naive person in the first few episodes who ends up in a position of power.

    I sound like a geek. And here I thought I left my comic-book-nerdom behind.
  3. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Finally watched my tape of it. Very good episode. Not as good as the Mr. Bennet origin story, but quite good. The Sylar thing was no shock. But it was cool. Was a little suprised Peter had no clue about Nathan being an imposter . . . . .

    - I wonder how many Heroes fans are thinking it was a Bush's America commentary. Actually, no. As has been said here, it was a pretty shameless and clear lift of X-Men No. 141-142, "Days of Future Past." Throw in a bit of Age of Apocalypse, and voila. A Heroes flash forward to the terrible future. LOVED Jessica's line about Bennet "still herding cattle in Texas."


    - The fact this future was pretty standard for the comic genre makes me glad at reports Sylar doesn't last the season. I love this setup, and the timeline in Isaac's loft was pure genius. But I am excited to see a new challenge. I wonder if they'll keep this duture in their back pocket, for future sweeps episodes, as an "alternate" reality. X-men did that, of course.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Agreed. And that's not just an X-Men thing. Remember, Star Trek has it's alternate universe as well. It was in the original series and Deep Space Nine. Maybe others as well.

    Those things are fun to play with as long as the device isn't overused.
  5. LiveStrong

    LiveStrong Active Member

    Hopefully we'll see one great throw-down between them before they off Sylar.
  6. FuerteJ

    FuerteJ Active Member

    So i finally just watched the latest Heroes. Not the best, but certainly sets us up for a thrilling final two shows. I can't wait.
  7. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    One of the cast members was on Loveline last week and said they're expecting the third season to go year-round. I don't know how much stock to put in that, but he seemed pretty confident in what he was saying.
  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    love the show, love the cast, but they are some cocky bastards in "real life." a lotta success real fast.
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Hey, as long as they keep the young Miss Invicible from singing, I'm happy (though my 3-year-old daughter loves the video she had playing on Disney Channel lately).
  10. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    I just read that they'll be introducing a spin-off next season. Apparently, it introduces other characters. Details are sketchy.

    Hey, they're also bringing in a show where a journalist pulls off his own version of Hiro, traveling through time to alter history or something of that nature. As if that's not bee done a million times. Hopefully, there'll be some strong newspapering involved.
  11. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Wasn't that show called Morning Edition and just end a few years ago? Seems like it was the guy who is on Friday Night Lights now.
    Got the next day's paper in the morning and would go out and change all the bad things that had happened. As opposed to getting the lotto numbers and retiring to the beach.

    Oh and if NBC overdoes it on Heroes, and you know they will, it could hurt the franchise.
    Of course, if I ran the world, instead of going in hiatus or taking mid-season breaks. I'd did mini-seasons, six-episode story arcs set in a different location and with different characters. Like a Heroes: West Coast or something along those lines.
    Completely rethink how you watch television, plus appeal to the DVD crowd and make some real money.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Yup, your memory of Morning Edition is correct...right down to it having the same star as Friday Night Lights.
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