Very nice table-setting episode for the finale. Linderman needs a new henchman, though. Bye bye Eric Roberts. EDIT: And nuclear man. And Linderman. And maybe D.L. Damn!
Ho. Lee. Shit. I'm stoked for next week. Of course, that means the end of the season, so I'll have to wait another couple of months until the next new one. But holy shit.
That's what I was thinking. Hell of a body count, and they sure don't seem to be done. I hope they don't have some idea that an entirely new cast is a good idea.
Well, next year... new arc, new villains theoretically. And really, what core characters have they killed off? None--MAYBE the painter, but now you've got 2 other folks running around who have that power. And I bet D.L. lives.
Yeah, I think he survives, too. I'm assuming the body count goes up next week. Maybe Nathan Petrelli goes down doing something heroic.....just a guess.
Does anyone think that Clair's fireball mom will pop up in the next season as a (in the words Hiro) villain!!!! villain!!!!! villain!!!! you are a villain!!!!!! I love the fact that they are ending one nemesis each season. Next season we have an entire new conflict to deal with. Great idea.
I would think she'll show up again, but I doubt she will be a big bad. Didn't seem to have the ambition for it.